Chapter 02

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"Young master are you okay?? You fell down the stairs. I told you to be careful when going down."

"I'm sorry, Sara. I was just excited to see mom and dad! They're coming home today from the business trip!"

"I understand that young master is excited, but your safety is the top priority okay? After all you'll be the master of this land one day"

"Ahh.. no no dad is the master of this land, I wouldn't dare to covet father's land."

"Awww, young master you're so adorable. It's fine, you'll understand when you're older." 

"Well then I'll think about it later then, now let's go greet mom and dad!"

The young boy with dark red hair ran down the halls excitedly waiting to welcomed his parents on coming home.

As soon as he arrived to the doors of the drawing room of the Parvis Mansion he heard a few voices that he's familiar with, and a few that wasn't.


"Proof? Huh, who knows if that child wasn't a bastard child, he doesn't even look a bit like his grace."

"Watch your mouth, just because Christian isn't a girl, doesn't mean he's not the duke's son and the only rightful heir to the dukedom."

"Believe me my lord, Rowena Weinberg cannot carry a second child."



A stern voice that's Christian recognised so well had shushed everyone else's. The next sentence sent shivers down his spine.

"The evidence is clear. Rowena Weinberg, the physician's diagnosis can't be wrong. You had become weak after giving birth to Christian and thus cannot produce the Parvis household the saintess in the oracle."

"N-no, there must be something wrong Lude, I am perfectly healthy!"

"I don't wanna hear it anymore. My marriage with the lady of the Edinburgh household will take place as originally planned 3 years ago."

"Your grace, you can't do this to my sister-"



"Honey what are you doing here?"

"Christian Parvis. What is this behaviour? Didn't I tell you that eavesdropping isn't a good habit?"

"I'm sorry father, but what you just said- is it true? It can't be true! You love mom! Why would you marry another woman!?"

"This is why children isn't allowed in adults' conversations."

The duke of the Edinburgh said that with a look of disgust on his face. He's been after the duchess position for hus daughter even before I was born. I know that this must all be a part of his plan.

"Christian, go to your room. Dad needs to have a talk with your mom."

Father smiled gently at me, but somehow I don't trust that smile. It didn't reassured me like before. Father always smiled like that whenever I'm struggling with something or whenever he's with mom. But this time it seemed fake..."

"Mom is pregnant, dad!! Don't listen to Lord Simon! Mom is pregnant with my little sister!"

Suddenly all eyes were on me. Even father's shocked eyes and Duke Edinburgh's resentful ones. 

'Take that, now mum won't have to share dad's love.'

"Christian stop joking around."

"What? But dad I wasn't-"

Father's bright red eyes glared down at me like I've made a mistake. I slowly shrinked down and started to make my way to my room with Sara."




"Impossible! That girl is pregnant?? There's no way it isn't a girl. Damn it! If she successfully gave birth then all of my efforts would be useless!"

The duke of Edinburgh was thinking of ways to proceed with his plan until his purple pupils lit up. 

"Since the wedding will still go as planned... I just need to get rid of her before she gave birth."

A sinister smile was planted on the duke's face.




The wedding went smoothly as planned and many came to congratulate the two households. Though not everyone is happy about this union. Christian was just clenching his fists at the thought of his father marrying another woman.

The night of the wedding, the duchess, Rowena Parvis had invited lady Edinburgh for a drink together before she goes to the duke for the first night. Not long after the meeting, Lady Edinburgh was throwing up blood and ended up fainting. Rowena Parvis was arrested for the murder attempt.

Ludwig Parvis is a proud guy and won't let the issue worsen. So he decided to end all of this with a divorce announcement to the Weinberg household.

Christian who was shocked by everything that had happened was confined in his room until the divorce was finalized. His mother was drived out the Parvis Mansion without a chance for them to say goodbye to eachother.

The three years old Christian cried for weeks after finding out what had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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