strawberries [ ❥ ]

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For once, it's not the chirp of your alarm or the buzz of a phone call that wakes you - this morning, it's the dip of the bed beside you as you open your eyes to see Rocker sitting at the edge of the bed with a bright smile and a plate of breakfast.

It takes you a second to wake up fully, but when you do you're pushing yourself upright and blinking the sleep out of your eyes. "What's all this?"

"For you." He sets the plate down on your lap, nicking one of the strawberries from the stack of pancakes as he presses a kiss to your cheek. "You deserve it for putting up with me these last few weeks."

You shake your head at him, but know it's only coming from his heart. "It'll never be a chore- not when it's you."

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