dancing queen [ ❥ ]

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Though the crowds had started to dwindle, the hotel ballroom hosting this year's LAPD charity gala was still in full swing. Most of the top brass had left by now, meaning more ties had been loosened and most bottles opened as people relaxed and let themselves enjoy a night out at the board's expense.

SWAT took up a sizeable number of invites, and the organisers had made the smart decision of keeping all of your tables grouped together. At last year's gala, Tan and Chris had made the mistake of trying to out-drink the homicide detectives whilst Luca managed to arm-wrestle some poor crime scene tech to ten ground - which was not a turn of events you were hoping to repeat this year.

No, you were content to sit at your now-empty squad table and count down the minutes till you could leave. With the rest of your team out mingling on the floor and at the bar, surely it was only a matter of time before one of them needed bailing out - something you weren't necessarily fond of doing, but if it was gonna get you out of another hour of handshakes and decades-old pep talks, you'd take it with both hands and run.

A presence behind you draws your attention, and you're about to tell Luca exactly where he can shove those nasty shots he always has a way of making you all do on nights out when a different face peers over your shoulder.

Fowler smiles down at you, placing a hand on your shoulder. She's in an LAPD uniform, same as you - even if hers is lacking the SWAT-issued patches that yours and the team's have, she's still as breathtaking as ever to you.

"Finally escaped, did you?" You grin at her as she yanks out Deacon's empty chair from next to you, and sits down with a shake of her head.

She's so close your knees are knocking against each other as she settles, and rolls her eyes at you teasingly. "I should've believed Tan when he warned me about Rocker and his stories. I swear, I was only there for two hours but each time he told me that damn cruise ship story- "

"The bomb got bigger, and the pool toy changed from a doughnut to a pineapple and back again." You wave a hand dismissively, grinning. "I know, I made the same mistake. Serves you right for choosing to go with them instead of us. though."

She pushes your shoulder jokingly, a look of mock offence on her face.

"So what, Chris's offer of Hennessy and an endless hangover didn't do the trick?" You grin at her over the rim of your glass as you raise it to your lips and tip the remnants back your throat. She watches you, smiling.

"No, not quiet." She muses, leaning across the table to talk to you better in the noisy atmosphere. You can't help but notice how a few strands of golden hair fall loose from her bun, and frame her face perfectly. "But you made a pretty good argument for why I would come. Probably the whole reason why I'm here, to be honest."

"I never made an argument, though?" Confusion is prominent on your features as you speak. Unlike the rest of the team, you hadn't tried to bribe her into choosing yours to attend the gala with. Whenever the subject was brought up, you'd just smiled and said you'd be glad of her company anytime. "Besides, I have nothing to offer you other than my company. I think Chris was pretty serious about those skydiving lessons, though."

Nora just shakes her head at you, here eyes flitting up and down your form. "There's nothing I could want more from tonight than to be with you, Y/n."

Even in the dim lighting of the room, there's no missing the flush that fills your cheeks. It brings a smile to Fowler's face, and just as she's about to speak again a loud shout from the other side of the room cuts her off.

You both turn to see a very red-faced Luca being held up between equally tipsy Chris and Street, yelling for you both to come and join in. The DJ booth that Robbery-Homicide had managed to sneak in after the brass had departed is pumping out some very non-work appropriate stuff, but no one seems to mind. People are straying towards the open floor, some career-threatening dance moves going down - and Nora seems intent on making you two the latest additions.

"I'm no dancer, Nora", you warn her, only half-jokingly as she takes your hand and pulls you up. She steps in close, fixing your loosened tie with nimble fingers.

"Come on, I'll show you how to." She smiles at you, a sight you could look at forever.

"It's gonna take a while, I hope you don't mind being patient."

She grins, slipping an arm around your waist and pulling you into her. "More time I get to spend in your company. Tell me, why in the world would I turn that down?"

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