paperclips and peppermints [ ❥ ]

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Jessica doesn't notice that you're in the room until you're right behind her. The soft click of the door and your footsteps across the room aren't enough to pull her focus from her mountains of paperwork, but there's no ignoring it when your hands loop around her neck and you press a kiss to her cheek.

"Hey, baby." Your voice is soft, with a gravelly quality that sends shivers down her spine.

She leans back in her chair, twisting around to kiss you. There's the faintest of smiles on her face, despite the bags under her eyes and her crumbled blouse. She tastes like coffee and peppermint, no doubt the things she's been relying on to fuel her through the night.

"How're you feeling?" She edges her chair out just enough for you to be able to push back some of the papers and hop up on her desk.

"M'okay." Nimble fingers trace shapes into your legs as she massages them gently, looking up at you with tired eyes. "I'd feel a lot better at home, though. Especially if you were with me."

Jessica makes a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan as she leans back, running her hands over her face. She lets them drop into her lap, looking at you with apologetic eyes. "I know, baby but I've got these AAR's and expenditure reports d- "

"And they'll still be there in the morning." Your voice is firm, a contrast to the gentle hand that cups her cheek and brushes a thumb over her jaw. "We've both been going all day, Jess. Come home and get some rest with me, please?"

Tilting her chin up, she tuts slightly at you but you know she's not gonna put up a fight. She rolls her neck and with a groan, she stands up.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that?"

Looping an arm around her waist, you smile up at her. "Yeah, but I'm yours."

"And don't you ever forget it, mi amor."

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