domesticity [ ❥ ]

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It's no sooner than Jessica traipses back downstairs after her shower than she's entering the living room, and throwing herself down on the sofa next to you.

The sweet scent of coconut and vanilla follows her and fills your senses as she lets you guide her legs over your lap. Dressed only in a pair of shorts and one of your t-shirts, she's still warm to the touch from the shower and you find yourself cuddling closer to her as she tucks herself under your arm.

Her legs are sore under your touch and as you rub a hand up and down the tense muscles, you find that she relaxes under your ministrations. She lets out a sigh of enjoyment, laying her head against your shoulder and smiling up at you. "This is so nice."
You laugh, rubbing the pad of your thumb back and forth over her knee soothingly. "What, having your personal masseuse on hand?"

Jessica laughs softly, kissing the exposed skin of your collarbone as she nods.

"I could get used to this." She tells you. Slipping her hand up to rub at your shoulder, you can hear the smile in her voice when she speaks. "Guess I'll just need to start having you over more often."

That takes you by surprise, and it shows you on your face as you meet her eyes. "Never thought you'd be one for domesticity."

"Neither did I." She shrugs, idly playing with the neck of your sweater. "Guess you turned me around."

"It's a talent." You tell her with a smile, kissing her forehead as she beams happily at you. "You're welcome."

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