2. new life

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Here I am gonna list things calle's forgot and remember, so you knew beforehand, that this list can change to fit the story.

This list is not the full list (since I am small memory capacity, I can't remember everything in lcf) I will add some in the future.

-Cale's life as roksoo (there is nothing benefited from remembering this life if Cale wants to start over, as there is too much loss and sadness accumulated in this life #sad #I miss lsh)

-Cale henituse's people. (Cale remembers how his life as Cale, like being a commander, living in a war, having a crazy enemy etc, etc. but he doesn't know any of people in this life)

What Cale remembers:

-his ancient power, but they can't talk in this life except he chooses to remember his past life to a certain extent.

- his abilities.

- the origin of his ancient power.

-the gods.

- His past name(ofc)

That's it for now!! Enjoy your reading!!


A crying sound of a baby can be heard through the hospital.

"His name will be rok soo, Kim rok soo"

Choi Jung soo watched everything from afar, as he watched a mother with a tired expression holding a redhead baby with a tired-yet bright expression. he held his hat and put it on his head.

"I hope you are happy in this life"
He quietly whispers as he starts to disappear into a thin air.

We will walk on our path separately from now on.

And if we are destined to meet again, we will meet again.

"Oh, and please stop sticking your nose at everyone business" he mumbles before completely disapear in to a thin air.




'He had reincarnated' that's what he first thought the moment he gain consciousness of his past life.

He touched the mirror in front of him, looking blankly at the reflection showing on it.

A seven-year-old child with bright red hair resembling the color of blood, with big foxy eyes and a pair of reddish-brown eyes looking empty.

He nodded accepting that fact. Today is the first time he recalled his past life memories, causing deep shock for a moment for him.

'Cale Henituse' was his past life name, a weird name that doesn't have any resemblance to a korean name like his current name.

And now he living as Kim Rok Soo. Strangely, his actual name feels like a shoe that doesn't fit, he feels it is more natural for other to call him Cale rather than his actual name.

He doesn't remember much about his previous life.

He just knew he had one.

'And then there is this motherfucker called the God of Death' he thought as he moved toward a table in the corner of his bedroom.

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