Chapter 2

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"So, Kaiden, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself. You looked a bit down when you came in. Long day?" Terry had been aware of the boy's facial expression when first he entered, but it seemed to have mostly gone away for now - the downtrodden part anyway.

The boy gave Terry his phone back and leaned against the cushion of the booth, letting out a soft sigh. "Yeah, a pretty long day actually." His eyes trailed from the man and slowly out the window, thinking about the event prior coming to the coffee shop.

"Why don't you tell me about it? I'm a stranger, no judgement from me." It was best to have a stranger's shoulder to cry on sometimes Terry found out. Friends and family were never of any use. But a stranger. A stranger was the best for ranting to.

He continued to stare out the window as he spoke, "Well, I knew today was going to be a bad day because my morning was awful. I woke up late for school, then I forgot something that I needed for my first class. I have a TON of homework and then to top it all off, I figured out that my boy- well. Now my ex-boyfriend, was cheating on me." Tears started to swell up in the boys eyes, but he tried his hardest to hold them back.

"Oh," how horrible. Terry sighed in sympathy and moved to sit next to Kaiden, his arm going around the redhead to pull him in to lean against him. "I don't believe he deserved you anyhow. I bet he was a beast of a character, and unwittingly ended up with you as their beauty." Terry's free hand cupped the redhead's cheek gingerly.

Kaiden sniffled softly as he couldn't hold the tears any longer, the warmth of the other man causing him to break down into a soft sob. He pressed closer into Terry's hand as he placed it against his cheek and tried to speak, "I'm s-sorry that I-i'm causing you the tr-trouble of this.." He sniffled again and tried to gain composure, but failed as more tears came streaming down his cheeks.

"Not at all," Terry turned his body in now in order to pull Kaiden to him into a hug. "Go ahead, take your time." He soothed into the boy's ear, rubbing his back gently. "Strangers are the best for bad days." This would most likely lead to them being more than just strangers hopefully as well.

Kaiden's hands gripped lightly at Terry's shirt as he softly spoke into his chest. "I s-somehow feel that you aren't m-much of a stranger.." He lifted his head slightly to the older man's and looked up at him, a gentle smile playing on his lips and his eyes still wet from the tears, "Just someone i've never met.." Kaiden laid his head back onto his chest and breathed softly, a light blush flowing over his cheeks.

"I'd like to be more than a stranger, so I'm glad you feel that way." Terry lifted a tissue from his pocket and wiped at the boy's damp cheeks, continuing to rub his back. "I'm here to be of comfort to you, so go ahead, take as much time as you need. I'll be right here listening to anything that you have or want to say."

He listened to his words and closed his eyes slowly, holding tighter onto Terry as he laid there. He focused on the soft sound of his heart beat, something that always calmed him down whenever he needed it. As he was listening, he made his breathing match the older man's so that his heart would beat like his. The blush on his cheeks grew as he felt the tissue wipe at his eyes. "Thanks."

As the minutes slowly ticked by, Terry's hand found its way up to the boy's delicate hair where he curled it softly between his fingers in ringlets. Kaiden's hair was the softest he'd ever felt, and from his close of proximity, Terry could smell the boy's fragrant shampoo and he rather liked the scent. Hmm, yes. Despite having just met today, they would very much be involved from now on.

He looked up at the older man in thought, 'I wonder how far this "relationship" can go..' He smiled softly as his fingers curled at his hair, the soothing feeling making him even happier than he just was and laid his head back against his chest.

"Maybe you should have a little something to eat, or to drink." Terry suggested quietly. "I think it would help to calm you down some." Being heartbroken on an empty stomach was just the worse."

Kaiden nodded to his request, "Yeah, eating something usually calms me down, so I think I will." A quick thought flashed, but he was still a bit shy to ask. Even after knowing what the answer was going to be. "Uhm.. Would you.. Well, would you like to go out to dinner, maybe?" His cheeks filled with pink as he looked up at Terry, waiting for his response.

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