"It'll never be enough."

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"I am not the only one with problems, we all have problems."

Jimin doesn't budge from his spot on his bed, deciding the best thing he could do all day was scroll through TikTok and take long naps. "Yes but Jimin ah, yours landed you in severe care. The only way we were to stop you from going into intensive care was to promise we'd get you healthier." Jimin rolls his eyes not believing one word of this, "Jin Hyung I'm not even skinny. When I get skinny you can worry, but until then leave me alone." Jin stands dumbfounded in the doorway not believing what he was saying, "Jimin you left the hospital at 102 pounds, 102!" Could of been 100. "That's not even small Jin Hyung," he says a hunger pain shooting through him. He hadn't had one of those in forever, it was so weird to be feeling them now.

"Jimin you have to be hearing yourself, I mean what if Jungkook was 102 pounds? Taehyung? Do you really think you'd be telling them that they weren't even small?" Jimin shakes his head, of course they'd be small. But it's different, it just is. Yeah they'd have the right bone structure for it but Jimin had a big bone structure, of course he would be heavier at the amount. "It's different," Jin is stuck in disbelief "now how is it different? You have to realize that we are not going to help you continue to destroy yourself, and even if your mad at us we do have to get you up in weight. You have to understand."

Of course he doesn't understand, he's spent years trying to be thin. He's restricted and fucked up everything for this. Why would he allow them to fatten him up? "We're running out of options Jimin ah and this is all we can do, please understand." Jimin wants to run and scream when he sees Jin hold up a smoothie. In one of those large plastic bottles. It's like a horror movie almost, and Jimin automatically starts shaking his head, "no no! I'm not drinking whatever that is!" Jin goes over to him, trying not to freak him out as he keeps the drink firm in his hands. "I-I can't even begin to think how many calories is in that, how many are there? What is it!?" Jin grabs one of Jimin's frail hands and gives a sturdy smile, "it doesn't matter how many calories it is. You need this to live Jimin."

"I'm not losing my progress, I'm not drinking that." Jin let's go of his hand and sits up more on the bed, "Jimin ah just please come here and stop this. I promise this is the last thing you have to consume until tomorrow. I won't even make you eat breakfast, I promise. Just please." Jimin gives a firm no, pushing himself off the bed. The room had become suffocating and he really didn't want to be in there any longer than he had to, Jin was helping yes but screwing him over. He was getting rid of everything he worked for, everything.

He leaves without looking back, Jin calling after him lightly. He thought he was in the clear when he gets down the hallway but it's almost like everyone was waiting for him. The only people missing are Yoongi and Taehyung, the rest of them are all sitting there worried. They knew he was gonna come out, what was this? "Jimin I recommend you just sit down," Namjoon says Jin coming out from the bedroom a pained look on his face. Something was going to happen, why was everyone staring at him like this? "What is everyone doing in here?" None of them answer, looking too scared to and Jimin backs up some. "Sit down Jimin ah." He does at this point sensing something was off.

From that point it's like clockwork, Jungkook coming up grabbing his wrists holding them in front of his body. Hoseok grabs his legs, holding them down firm while Namjoon holds his front. "All you need to do is open your mouth," Jin says holding the drink infront of him and Jimin shuts his mouth tight as he realizes what this is. They're force feeding him. Making him drink it even if he doesn't want to. He tries to kick his legs and get his arms out of the hold there in but he can't manage to. They're holding on too tight for him and all he can do is continue to struggle, keeping his mouth shut as tight as possible. "Jungkook hold his nose closed," Namjoon says and Jungkooks eyes fill with fear "H-Hyung don't you think this is too far?"

"Do you want him to die! No, then hold his nose!"

The sentence hangs strong in the air as Jungkook let's go to hold with one hand his other clamping over Jimin's nose. Jimin starts crying, running out of oxygen as he kicks his feet harder. His struggle with his hands isn't letting up, but when he does get one free because of Jungkooks lose grip he pushes the drink as far as possible. It flies across the room and in shock Jungkook let's go of his nose. The shock is so evident that everyone's grip loosens, and it gives Jimin time to get out of the seat. Hoseok grabs his feet again before he can run away, making his front fall onto the floor. "Let me go!" He screams, trying to kick him away, Jungkook trying to grab his hands again. "Hyung please, you need this to live." Jimin continues to push, pull, scratch, and kick as hard as he can.

"Jimin why can't you see your killing yourself," Jungkook says finally grabbing Jimin's hands "your gonna die Hyung! I'm gonna lose you to this!" Jungkooks eyes fill with tears, not being able to handle it anymore. This had reached its breaking point, "look at you! Your bones, your nothing but skin and bones! Where did you go Hyung? Where did YOU go?" The Hyung line is silent as the two cry, Jimin's movements coming to a stop. Jungkooks holding Jimin's wrists so tight they hurt, but he can't say anything as he sobs into the carpet.

His body hurts from the fall, and his limbs want to let go. Jin sits infront of him pulling his loose body up to sit up on his legs, free hand holding up his head. He positions the cup to sit infront of his lips, "open up Jiminie." Jimin let's his body fall onto him, legs still in Hoseoks arms, Jungkooks hands still around his wrists. He's got no more fight and they all know that, Hoseoks chin resting on Jimin's brought up knees. He lets his mouth open, Jin now holding his head up in the inner of his arm, tilting the cup to let the liquid slide down his throat. Jimin continues to cry, fingers curling as the sweet flavor fills his mouth.

"Good job Jiminie, I'm so proud of you." Jimin coughs slightly, Jin bringing it away for a second. Namjoon's already left, can't stand to look at the younger. It's one of the worst sights he's seen in his whole life, he'll never forget it. He'll never forget Jimin's 102 pound body laying helpless on the ground as their oldest Hyung forces him to drink a simple blend. Of course they'd never tell Jimin they got it from the doctor, and that it equalled almost 2000 calories on it's own. He didn't need to know the count, he just needed help.

When Jimin's drunk the full mix, Hoseok and Jungkook let go of him. Jin brings him onto his lap and holds him close, comforting Jimin as he cries into his shoulder. Jungkooks not fairing any better, having to grab his coat and step out onto the balcony. Hoseoks barely holding on, sitting just opposite of the two. He holds Jimin's hand trying to sooth the younger, "you did so good Jimin ah."

Was this really worth it?


Hello everyone!

This chapter was very upsetting, and it really is horrible to reread over this and get the image in my head. I hate that this actually has to happen in real life, no one should have to go through this.

Remember you all are insanely important, and you belong here for a reason. If you ever need help, contact someone. Don't be afraid.

Comments are appreciated!

I love you all! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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