I have no idea what to make of this

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(Hello Again! Sorry I went MIA, a lot of things have been going on, and I needed to re-read the previous chapters (and fix a few things here and there) to get back into the groove. My groove was thrown off! Sorry, I couldn't resist, congrats to anyone who gets this reference. Anyway, let's continue.)

Blue, Dave and Dee walked in a line (in that order) down the hall. They were getting more and more scared by the ceaseless corruption. They came out into a room and saw something lying across from them and they gasped horrified. A phone guy had his rotary phone head ripped off from his neck and wires had been dislocated from his spinal cord, some parts of the spine broken off and wrapped in the wires (I apologise to anyone who decided to read this while eating). His arms and legs were bent in twisted ways, and he was partly corrupted. His phone head had been in shambles, broken in a lot of areas, revealing his more shattered skull now leaking the black fluid, the phone attached by the wire had been broken and the other piece was nowhere to be found and the dial part had been shattered. The phone guy was clearly dead. Dee turned away, Blue stared horrified and Dave puked a little. "I know I was never a fan of phonies, but even this is way to cruel for me. Poor guy." Dave said. "Guess not everyone survives corruption, now we need to be even more careful." Blue said. "Great, cause that's what we needed. A bigger reason to be careful." Dee grumbled. A noise roared from behind them like between a lion, a bear and a T-Rex , kind of roar. They froze, but nothing came up right away. "We need to hurry." Blue said and everyone stepped around the dead phone, doing their best not to look.
They walked down another corrupted hallway with posters, that glared at them, robots limbs scattered on the floor and attached to the walls and the ceiling. Images flickered out of the corner of their eyes before disappearing. The roar was heard again and they turned around. They saw some deformed shadow approach, its limbs twisted horribly. "Ready to fight?" Dave asked, bracing himself as the abomination approached slowly. "Wait!" Blue said. Dee and Dave looked at her. "If we touch that thing, we could get corrupted and end up like that phone guy! It's best if we used a weapon to arrack, so if the weapon gets corrupted, we'll have enough time to let go!" Blue said. "That's...actually a much better plan than what I was thinking." Dave said. "Okay, let's go then Blue." Dee said and the three decided to run to put enough distance between them and the abomination. They ran down the hall, before Blue had an idea and opened the wall that lead into a small room. "In here!" She shouted and the other two ran in, before she followed and left the hole open for the abomination to notice. They had wound up in a storage closet with janitor supplies and loose wires stranded everywhere. They looked around and saw another phone guy that had met the same fate as the previous one and quickly looked away. They looked around for a good weapon and found a broom. Dave picked it up. "Let's use this together on that screwed up thing! The three of us with enough force should be able to knock that thing out and put it out of its misery!" Dave said. "You just don't wanna do it alone in case you get corrupted!" Dee shouted. "Well, yeah, that too." Dave admitted. "Either way, it's still a good plan, I'm in." Blue said and grabbed hold of the broom and stood on the other side of the broom. Dee sighed and joined in.
They waited a bit, standing next to the hole, just out of the light when the abomination approached, saw the hole and started to slowly float in. It was almost fully inside, never noticing the three figures in the dark, until they started charging at it, doing a war cry and whacked it hard enough to send it flying into the wall. It crashed, but didn't go down. The abomination slowly got up, its limbs now in a different position from before. Then it roared again, louder now and the three winced, but didn't lose their grip on the broom which stayed fully intact. The abomination slowly approached them again and they braced themselves. Once it got close enough, the three charged this time, stabbing the broom completely into the abomination's middle and breaking the exterior and interior parts of it. It thrashed furiously and the three quickly brought the broom back out, this time the top of it had completely disappeared leaving a jagged end of it now. The abomination approached them faster this time and they backed away quickly and bumped into a shelf of janitorial supplies. The abomination leapt at them, only for the three to five out of the way, causing the abomination to crash into the shelf and janitorial supplies falling down on it. Dave saw a paint can roll close by and stop. He quickly picked it up, opened the cab and smashed it right onto the abomination's head with the open side down covering part of the abomination in paint making it look slightly newer and less threatening. The paint dropped down and into the hole where the abomination was stabbed and it began to spazz even more frantically when shocks were heard and violently thrown out form the abomination, lighting up the room, before the abomination stopped and exploded. Dave, Blue and Dee ducked as pieces went flying everywhere and the paint can was thrown violently against one of the walls. Then nothing. They looked where the abomination had been only to see a white piece float in its area. Blue went up to it and inspected it. "It looks like part of a key, the part at the end." She said, before carefully grabbing it and putting it into a pocket. "A key? To what?" Dave asked. "I guess we'll have to find out, and the only way to find out is by destroying these abominations." Blue answered. They left out of the hole and walked further down the hall, avoiding all of the corrupted stuff around them. They even had to carefully step over a hole in the ground that stretched from one wall to the other. "By the way, Blue, how'd you know that room was there?" Dave asked. Dee turned to her too. "I've been around a lot of the flip side and I realised I could make holes in the walls to other places that you would have to go around to get to." Blue answered. "That's a neat trick." Dee said. Dave nodded. "So where do we look for another one of these abominations?" Dave asked. "We don't have to go find them. If my theory is correct, they'll come find us." Blue said with a smirk. "Does that make things easier, or harder for us?" Dee asked. "Well, considering we need those keys, I'd say easier." Blue answered. They continued for a while then stopped in a room. "Hey Dave?" Blue said. "Yeah Blue?" Dave asked. "Remember that fox abomination you hit with the fox?"
"Yeah, of course...why?" They looked at the other end of the room where a pile of scattered, mangled (now even more mangled thanks to Dave), was standing in front of them, spazzing, ready to strike. "Well, it found us." The abomination tried to roar, but all that came out was the gross black stuff that spewed out of its mouth and the holes that the limbs used to be attached to. "Did we remember the broom?" Dee asked worried. "Yep!" Dave answered, pulling it out of his pocket. "How many things can you fit in that pocket?!" Dee asked. Dave chuckled. "That's for me to know and for you to..." Dee stopped him. "Nope! Not doing that!" She said. They grabbed the broom again and pointed the jagged end at the abomination. It dove at them and they ducked, submerging the broom in the corrupted beast. The abomination had flown over them to the other side of the room, before managing to right itself and glare at the three, the broom now stuck in the things chest, which now seemed to get corrupted and be part of the beast's limbs. "Oh shit! That was our only broom!" Dave said. "Not to mention weapon! What'll we do now?" Dee asked looking at the abomination horrified. "Just stay calm, there's gotta be another weapon lying around!" Blue said. They frantically looked around until their eyes laid on a twitching robot arm. "No." Dee said. "It's all we got, there's no other option!" Blue protested. "Well, then you grab it! I'm not getting corrupted again!" Dee shouted. Blue ran for the robot arm, only to fall back when the abomination leapt in front of her and crashed again. Blue reached for the arm and tried to lift it, only to find it too heavy. "It's too heavy!" She shouted, still trying to pick it up. Dave hurried over and picked it up and stood in front of Blue, wielding the arm easily. "Come at me you screwed up fuck!" Dave taunted the abomination. It garbled again and dove at him only for Dave to expertly go around and whack it in the face with the arm. The arm twitched and Dave twitched with it. Oh no. He thought. He felt weird, weirder than normal, but he stayed standing as the abomination start to circle him and he watched it. It charged across the floor and bit into his leg. He screamed in pain and smacked the thing with the arm again, knocking it back a few feet. "Asshole!" Dave shouted. He now charged at the abomination and whacked it a million times with the arm, before his head started to spin and the world around spun as well. No! I can't die like this! I won't die like this! He went to hit the abomination again, only to stumble and fall down and the world went completely dark as he heard war crying and garbled noises and smashing.
Dave found himself in a dark area with a red glow to it. "Hello?" He called out. "Blue? Dee? Old sport? Anybody?!" He looked around, but no one was there. Then an all too familiar voice answered him. "Hello Willy." The voice said. Oh god! Dave thought with a creeping horror rising in his stomach. Dave turned around to see Henry standing a few feet in front of him.  "What do you want?" Dave asked. "I just thought I'd see my old friend, that's all." Henry answered. "Bullshit, we were never friends! You aren't even Henry and even if you were, I still wouldn't be your friend!" Dave said. The Henry apparition glared. "You know? You know that I'm not Henry?" He asked. "Damn right I do, I would know if it was Henry a mile away!" Dave said. "That and Dee already told me something like this." He mentioned. The Henry apparition grinned menacingly. "Ah, Yes. The little girl from the diner, do you remember how I killed her?" The apparition asked. Dave paused before speaking. "You...you took a knife and..." he started, but stopped. "Yes, I stabbed her quite a few times, waiting as she screamed out, trying to get away, but with those wounds, it made it impossible." The apparition said with relish. "But why? Why did you stab her and make her suffer?" Dave demanded, clenching his fists in rage. "I told you didn't I? For science. To see if any other souls had the same resilience as you." The apparition answered. "You're sick!" Dave shouted. "You're no different than I am. You helped me, remember? You killed kids at other locations, same as me." The apparition said. "That may be so, but I at least got some freedom when you went to Utah, leaving me to take care of things at the diner!" Dave said. "You killed there too, did you not?" The apparition asked. "No! I actually did what any normal diner owner would do! Make sure things didn't go haywire and unlike you, I made a friend!" Dave said. "No matter what, you'll never change what happened at the other locations. You killed kids of your own volition, Willy. You are just like me." The Henry apparition said with a knowing smile. "No! I am not like you!" Dave argued. "Face it Willy, we're family and always have been, you knew what you had to do, so you killed kids at the other Freddy's locations." The Henry apparition continued. "We are not family! You used me! I'm done with you!" Dave said, then turned to walk away, only to be pulled back by a strong hand. "No matter what, Willy, you can never undo what You and I did!" The Henry apparition growled, grinning. "Let go you pink bastard!" Dave shouted, trying to pull away. "Things will go down again and the Flipside will no longer be safe! I will destroy everything here!" The Henry apparition said. Dave was terrified now. "No! I-I'll stop you!" Dave said. The Henry apparition laughed, then suddenly more Henry apparitions appeared surrounding him. "I'd like to see you try, Willy!" Dave covered his head with his free arm and feared that this was the end.
"Dave!" A voice called. "Dave, wake up!" It called again. The Henry apparition was now confused. "Who is that?" He asked. Dave said nothing. Blue. He thought, recognising the voice. Then another voice came. "You gotta wake up!" Dee shouted. The other apparitions disappeared, leaving the one, which now started to flicker and fade. He glared at Dave. "I'll come back Willy. I always come back!" The apparition said before disappearing and Dave found himself in complete darkness.
"Dave, you have to wake up!" Blue said, shaking him awake. They were in a room that was free of corruption for the most part. Dee was on the other side of Dave and was slapping him awake. "Come on Dave! Wake up!" She shouted. "He's not waking up!" Blue shouted, worried. Dee remembered something they had passed. "Give me a few seconds, I'll be right back." She said.
Dee returned moments later with a bucket of water. Blue looked at her concerned. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked. "We've tried waking him up nicely, now it's time for desperate measures." Dee answered, before floating over Dave's head and dumping the water on his head. He coughed and spluttered, before waking up. "He's up!" Blue said. "Oh good." Dee said and returned to his side, carrying the bucket, that used to hold water, beside her, just in case. "Dave, are you okay?" Blue asked. "I...I think so." Dave answered a little dazed. "What happened?" He asked. "Well, the corruption from the robot arm had gotten to you, causing you to collapse and faint, then Dee and I managed to find a crowbar and used it to smash the abomination to pieces." Blue answered. Dave looked at her impressed. "I'm assuming since we're all still here that you won and got the next part of the key?" He asked. "Yep!" Blue answered, pulling out the other part of the key that had now been fused to the end that had a long metal piece and part of something at the top. "What happened afterward?" Dave asked. "Well, after, we saw that you were partly corrupted, but it wasn't anything major, just that part of you was flickering." Blue answered. "WHAT?!" Dave shouted. "Blue and I hurried to grab you, you were still whole and seemed to be fighting something in your sleep. Then we ran, dragging you with us and found this room." Blue finished. "Oh, okay." Dave said.
They remained silent for a bit. "So what happened to you?" Dee asked. "Excuse me?" Dave asked. "When you were knocked out, you kept mumbling and saying the name Henry." Dee answered. "I was in a dark room with red lighting. Henry appeared, but it wasn't Henry, like what you told us before. Though he said to me things that sounded like he knew what Henry did and what Henry was like. The only people that knew were Old Sport, you, Dee, and me." Dave answered. "What happened?" Blue asked. "I tried to fight back, and tell him that I was not like him, but he persisted. He grabbed me at one point when I tried to get away, then more of him swarmed me and I thought the worst, when I heard your voices calling to me." Dave answered. "Then you guys woke me up, wait, why am I wet?" Dave asked. "That's not important right now." Dee said nervously, waving her hands in front of her. "The important thing is that you're up and we can continue to look for the next part of the key." She continued. Dave looked at her suspiciously but decided to go with it. They noticed Blue staring at Dave curiously. "What is it Blue?" Dave asked. "Who's Henry?" She asked. Dave and Dee looked at her surprised. "You don't know?" They asked. "No, at least, I don't remember if I've ever seen him at all. Who is he?" She asked. "More like was, he died a long time ago." Dave answered. "How?" She asked. "No one knows, one day there's Henry, the next he's gone. No one knows what happened to him, but no one really cares to ask." Dave answered. "Why's that?" Blue asked. "Oh boy. I'm sorry for this Dee." Dave said looking at Dee apologetically. Dee nodded. Dave then turned to Blue. "He once owned the Fred Bear family diner, along with me of course. But the way he ran it was horrifying. He killed kids and stuffed them into the two animatronic suits, Fred Bear and Spring Bonnie. But, there was another kid he killed without the use of an animatronic suit." Dave answered looking at Dee, who looked away. "Right, her death was heavy on everybody, especially me." Blue answered. "But I thought that it was her brother who killed her." Blue added, turning to Dave. "Henry told me to lie and pin it on our night guard who was working for us at the time and was her brother. It was horrible, even for me." Dave answered. "So, that was just a lie?" Blue asked. Dave nodded. "After that, Henry went to Utah to kill five kids to keep everyone from solely pinning the blame on Fred Bear's and that we would never get discovered. You, Blue, know of course that I stayed at the diner to keep it afloat, during Henry's absence. Then after Henry died, the real Fred Bear had kicked everyone out because he hated what we did. Then I went to different Freddy's locations and had changed my name to "Dave Miller."" Dave explained. Dave looked at Blue who thought about it. "Does it sound familiar?" Dave asked. "Was Henry the one that killed you?" Blue shook her head. "I think I would've recognised the name right away, but he does sound familiar in the sense that he owned the diner as well." She answered. "So the one that killed you is still probably out there, ruining lives for others." Dee said. Blue shrugged. "Maybe. But this Henry sounds like a really bad guy." She said. "He was." Dave and Dee answered.
They let the moment sink in, before Blue got up. "Come on, let's go find the next key." She said. "What do you think will have it this time?" Dave asked. A crash sounded out of the room and they ran into the hall. An all too familiar abomination with scrambled bear parts and a bear head, spewing out black stuff was blocking the way back out of the hall. "Oh, great." Dave groaned. "Are you ready?" Blue asked. "Looks like this will be the last key." Dee answered. The three looked at each other and nodded. Then they charged to the abomination.

(Wow! This was unbelievably long! Worth it though for an exciting chapter. The conclusion is coming soon, but that doesn't mean that I'm done with the Dayshift at Freddy's series. I may, or may not be working on another alternate universe with a couple new O.Cs. So sit tight. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter (and it wasn't too painfully long) and I'll see you all on the Flipside.)

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