Chapter Two

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"So where are we going?" I finally questioned. She smiled and looked into the night. "I was thinking. . ." She trailed off. "Thinking. . ." I prodded her on. "Well, I was thinking. . . California." I raised a brow.

"Your not going to travel some where far like Mexico?" I questioned. She sped up and made a sharp turn right. "They’ll find us there you know? If we run away we need to go somewhere they wont suspect."

"Exactly." She said, enthusiasm building up in her voice. "What?" I questioned annoyed, really annunciating the ‘t’ in ‘what.’ She let out a light laugh and walked ahead of me. I watched her hair blow in the wind and the street laps shine down on her bold features.

"What you said." I tried to make eye contact with her but she looked away. "What I said?" She questioned as she flipped her hair out of her eyes. "You know when-never mind, we should go somewhere you know. . ." I emphasized my gestures in the silence. "Africa, Spain, Paris. . ." She walked on, "Britain?"

She smiled and we made our way onto the main road. She suck her thumb out and began to walk on the side. Eventually a truck pulled up beside us. "Hey, you heading South?" The man pondered. "Yeah"

"Can we hitch a ride as far as your going?"

"Sure hop in the back kids." Roxanne didn’t hesitate she quickly climbed aboard and I followed close behind her. "You ever done anything like this before?" She smiled looked ahead as the truck sped forward. "I’ve never done anything like this before." I mumbled quietly.

Roxanne just looked past me into the sky, the skies were clouded out tonight. The moon was peaking out just to tease us but the stars stayed concealed. "So, um. . . what did you bring?"

"Money, clothes, stuff like that."

"Roxanne, is there a reason why were in a rush to leave tonight?"

Her eyes clouded over momentarily; she stayed in a daze for a couple seconds. Before she snapped back to reality.

"I’m just tired you know? I tired of all the people judging me, telling me I’m worthless and that I’ll never get anywhere in life."

"I don’t think your worthless." I admitted giving her a small smile. She ruffled my brown hair as if I was a child. "I know you don’t. You see though everyone." I quirked a brow, I didn’t see though people. I just saw things that you would think at first sight. I didn’t go though them, I was just Jason.

"Tell me what you think of our driver." Easy enough I thought. "He’s a carefree kind of guy. He doesn’t mind taking risks because he thinks he doesn’t have much to live for.

"He probably picked us up because he saw his past in us. He’s single. Probably had a wife but she left him which explains the two golden rings in the ashtray. He’s quite clean, lady’s man with his charm, he has a clean shaven face and pressed clothes. But deep down is a good guy."

I finished and looked to her for clarification. "Seriously, I just thought he was some bum of a guy who slept in motels and bought cheap girls."

"He might buy cheap girls though." I joked and she laughed knocked on the window. He rolled down the window and stuck his head out. "What do you want?" He questioned, not in a snarly way just genuine curiosity.

"Crank some tunes." He answered back to him. He obediently turned on the radio. I chuckled, Roxanne got what she wanted most of the time.

"Put your head on my shoulder!"She sang loudly and out of tune. I smiled anyways.

"Hold me in your arms, bay-bee. Hold me oh, so tight! Show me! That you love, me too!"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned on me lazily as she sung the next few verses.

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