The after effects

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As she got up I punched her in the face again. She dropped her dagger as blood started to poor down her nose. I bent down and picked up her dagger. I walked to her with my chest heaving. She fell to her knees and whimpered. 

"I am so sorry Scarlet. I have to make it out of here alive. My family needs me. I am going to make it as painless as possible," Tears dropped from my cheeks. 

"Just do it. I understand," she said holding her head up high, looking me right in the eyes. I walked to her and slit her throat. She fell on her side and bled out. I started to cry. Sobs rippled through my body. I fell to my knees and sat there staring at her body.

I am a murderer. What have I done?


I sat there staring at the body. I didn't even notice the crowd above me cheering. Tears fell down my cheeks like they were being produced by clouds. The blood on the ground gathered into one big puddle. It slowly starts to collect and slide towards my knee.

My tears mixed in with the blood, making it thinner. Just as the blood dotted my knee, two big men grabbed me underneath the arms and drug me to the door that lead out of the arena. I didn't fight back, I just let them drag me.

They dumped me into the room that I had changed in before this nightmare started. I keep finding myself asking the same question, "How can humans be so cruel?" Those men found joy in watching us hunt and hurt each other. They were not satisfied until Scarlet's blood stained the ground and the image of her dead body was burned in the back of my mind.

Am I any better than them? I killed Scarlet. No, I can't be like any of them. I had to kill her. She was going to kill me. It was self defense, right?

The room was exactly how I left it but more clothes were sitting out. This time they were gym shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt.  As my prize for winning the fight a cheeseburger with a side of french fries was placed on the table for my enjoyment. I don't understand how they think I could eat something after doing what I just participated in. Although I haven't really had a decent meal in a while, I get in the shower to try and wash away the memories. Scarlet's face will forever haunt me.

Once the water turns cold I get out and slip the clothes on. I then step out of the bathroom to find the Boss sitting on the couch in front of the burger. 

"Are you not going to eat this generous meal I have provided?" he asks gesturing to the food. 

"How can you even think I can eat at a time like this! I was just forced to kill a person who had the same hopes as I did of getting out of here. She will never be able to see her family again," I exclaim to this man. I can see the guards in the room tense up in defense. It doesn't matter to me, I am just trying to not burst in tears. 

The Boss flicks his hand at the burger. "Fine, it's your stomach. You did well out there today. I was very impressed by your determination to succeed. I will be looking forward to seeing you fight in the future," he says standing up. His guards immediately get in formation around him. 

"Good bye young one. I will be seeing you soon." With a wink he walks out the door. One young guard stays behind. He waits until the pounding of boots stops and motions me forward with his hand. 

We make our way down the hallway towards the smoke filled room and then through the door leading to the cages. All the girls in the first couple of cages turn towards me. The guard is quiet as he walks beside me. His eyes stare straight ahead. 

In this way, he is different then the other guards. Normally they look at the cages like a dog drooling over its food. I don't know how to take this guy.

"Why are you here?" I ask. He flicks his gaze sideways at me then goes straight to the wall again.

"Hello?" I say.

"Keep moving," he replies. He doesn't strike me as the disgusting guard type. I have to keep my eye out for this one. Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to find some humanity inside him.

We get in sight of my cage. All of the girls jump up as soon as they see me and push their face to the bars. The guard opens the gate and lets me go through, locking it behind me. Alexa rams into me and soon all the other girls surround me in a group hug. 

At their touch, I burst into tears. They just continue to hug me. No questions are asked, they are just glad to have me back. As soon as I am able to calm down I look at Kelly. 

"Who was it?" she asks. 

I bend my head to look at the floor in shame and guilt.

"Scarlet," I whisper. Fresh tears spring to my eyes while Kelly's hands fly to her mouth. I hear a gasp come from Alexa and Brit. Jamie just shakes her head already too accustomed to death.

The cages around us grow louder in their whispers wondering what happened out there. I stand up and move towards Scarlet's previous cage. I look at Leia as she comes closer. 

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I had to kill her," I rattle off, "I had to kill Scarlet." 

As soon as the words are out of my mouth Leia slides down onto the ground. She places her hands on her face and sobs. Her cage mates gather around her with tears streaking down their faces as well. 

The other cages just watch as we cry. It is never a big deal until someone you know dies. 

I sit against the wall staring at nothing, listening to the girls cry. I can't do anything about what I have done. It then dawns on me that I will have to do it again. I will have to kill another innocent girl.

Will I be able to do it?


I am sorry it has taken me so long to post. I really haven't been able to write because I have been blocked up. I know it isn't much but I hope you enjoy. I will be posting another soon. 

Thanks J.E

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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