The Cages

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"What am I doing here! Help me! Somebody!" The yelling is placed with gasping sobs. Great. They have another one. Another girl to torture and kill. Too bad she woke me up.

"Well ladies what do we have going on today," the ugly guard said rattling our cage. Of course all the guards are male and  they can do whatever they want to us. Alexa, a girl in my cage,  is pregnant by one of them. She's been here for 5 months and is 16 years old. In the middle of her second month the main guard took her to his room upstairs to do with her as he pleased. When she came back she would just stare not do anything. I had to force her to eat. When the guards came she would huddle in the corner sobbing. They would just laugh calling her trash. On some days I would jump at them calling every curse word I could think of, swinging my arms through the 7 inch gap between the bars.

I've been in this cage for 3 and half months. How do I know that? Well they tell us. The guards make sure we know so that we realize how long until we actually fight. I have around one to two months left.

About a week ago Tabitha, another girl I was sharing a cage with, was taken. It was about her fifth month and she didn't make the first round.

"Why don't you tell us guard? Since you are the all-knowing," my friend Kelly smarted off. I looked at her from my sitting position on the cement floor, her bright red hair clinging to her head with a smirk on her scared face. The scar was from when she smarted off to a guard and he hit her with the end of one of their long tasers. It went through her cheek but she never backed down.

"Girl I am tired of your mouth! I should just- just- well-" He tried saying but continued to get more flustered.

"Let it go Hal, she will only be here for a couple of weeks." The other guard said motioning for his buddy to follow him. The guard saying that made me realize that Kelly was half way through her 4th month.

"Nice one again Kelly!" Brit exclaimed with a grin on her face. Her dark brown hair was the same color as mine except hers was straight as mine was wavy. She turned to me with her bright blue eyes, "You haven't been saying much today, Brea. Your brown eyes are unusually dark today. Are you feeling okay?" You can say Brit was sort of a hippie.

"Well I was sleeping about two minutes ago and I am fine. Who is the new girl?" I asked truly curious.

"Bright blond hair, about 5'1", probably not even 15 yet. Its a shame that they take them that young, not even old enough to experience life," she said sadly shaking her head. 

"I know, but one day someone will put it to an end. So what is going on today?" My question was met with a snarl.

"It’s shower day," Brit spat. Everyone hated shower day. We had to strip to our underwear as they squirted us with the cold water that came out of the hose they had. It was awful. Once a week they did this and once a month they would give us soap and make us strip totally naked. I grimaced at the thought.

I looked over to Alexa and noticed she was doing a little better. Her stomach was starting to get that baby bump. I was truly worried that the baby was not getting the nutrition it needed. They only give us two meals here and it is usually just a slice of meat or a piece of bread. If you are closer to the fighting mark they give you whole sandwiches or chicken legs to beef us up. Because of this Tabitha gave half of her meal to Alexa as did I. Well until Tabitha was gone, now Kelly helps out.

"Hey, Scarlet. Are you ready for shower day?" I yelled into the cage next to me. We always associated with our "neighbors."

"I guess you could say that. At least my hair will quit dangling in strings on my back!" She replied. Her hair went past her butt and was platinum blond. Her green eyes stared at me through the bars of her cage. This is her 5th almost 6th month and she has been to the stadium twice now.

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