Chapter 1

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Its been 5 years after harry was left at the doorstep of his relatives. He will be turning 6 tomorrow, but right now he is preparing his 'family' their dinner. "Hurry up boy, we're starving here!" Vernon dursley, his whale of an uncle, says. "Yes uncle Vernon" Harry says as he carries his uncle's steak.

After his aunt, uncle and cousin ate their dinner, they left him some toast and water to eat and drink. He never even got to finish his food when he was so rudely dragged into his 'room' and by room, it was cupboard under the stairs by his 'uncle'. He was locked in his room for the rest of the night with his pet snake emerald.

Harry met emerald when he was 4. Harry was plucking weeds out of his 'aunt's' garden when he heard a faint voice by the roses. *Hello? Are you okay?* Harry asked the mysterious voice. *Y-yes young speaker* The voice replied. Harry looked around until he saw a small snake coiled up under the roses. *What are you doing there?* Harry asked the snake. *I fell off a tree because some pig and his friends decided to kick the tree* the snake replied. *Wait, how am I talking to you right now? Snakes can't talk* Harry said titling head, thinking. *You're a speaker, hatchling.* The snake told harry. *What does that mean, miss snake?* Harry asked. *That means, dear hatchling, that you can talk to snakes. You must have magic blood, only a very few are speakers* The snake explained. Even though harry didn't mostly understand what the snake said, he nodded. *What's your name?* Harry asked once again. *I have no name, hatchling. Since you found me how about you name me.* The snake proposed. *Okay! How about emerald! Since your scales look like sparkly emeralds!* Harry said hoping the snake will like her new name. *Its wonderful hatchling, thank you* emerald replied pleased with her new name. Ever since then, Emerald never left harry and protected him from his cousin, even though she almost got hurt doing so.

The next day, Harry woke up to his door open. He exited his room and saw that there was no one in the house, he wnet to the kitchen and got some water when he saw something on the table. He grabbed what seemed like a diary of some sorts, he quickly made some food and brought it to his room with the diary. *What's that, hatchling?* emerald asked as she saw the diary. * I don't kmow emerald, I just saw it on the kitchen counter* harry replied as he took a bite of his pancake. On the front of the diary was a note for him, it said:

Dear Hadrian,

Your Father wanted me to give this diary to you when you turned 6 years old. I've seen how those muggles treated you and I wish I could come get you and bring you home but padfoot and moony said its best if you stay there for now until we win this war and bring your father back. We wish you best on your special day, our dark prince and happy birthday!

Your loving god-mother, Lily

P.s. Padfoot and Moony thought you might want some chocolate so they stuffed some in the diary

Harry was confused and overjoyed, first off, who was this 'Hadrian' and 'Dark prince'? Maybe they sent it to the wrong address? He checked the address and saw that It was definately sent to him. Maybe they just got name wrong. He shrugged it off and opened the diary only to be met with a blank page. He looked for a quill and some ink, after he found some he was about to write in the diary when some ink accidentally dripped on the page. The spilled ink was nowhere to be seen, it just disappeared! And then some very fansy cursive writting writting appeared on the page.

"Who are you and how did you get a hold of this diary?" The diary asked.

"My name is Harry potter, who are you?" Harry wrote back to the diary.

I am Tom Marvolo Riddle. May I ask how you got a hold of this diary?

I don't know. Someone just left it on the kitchen counter. It was addressed to someone named 'hadrian' and the letter called this person 'dark prince'

I see. This diary was supposed to be given to my son 'hadrian slytherin riddle' maybe they gave it to the wrong person

Oh. I can help you find your son if you want and I can give him this diary!

Its quite alright, don't worry about it. I will find him some other way for now just keep my diary safe. Can you do that?


If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

I just turned 6 years old today!'re quite young. Tom couldn't believe it! The child that has his diary right now is his hadrian! He knew he couldn't tell hadrian yet since it might put him in danger so for now he will keeo quiet about it until hadrian is ready to know

How did you get stuck in this diary mister?

Thats one way of saying it but I am not stuck I merely put a part of my soul into this diary.

Woah! How did you do that?!

Magic, my child. Have you never heard if it?

Magic is real? Can you teach me?

Ofcourse, my child

So Tom spent the rest of the day teaching harry about the history of magic, the war and the wizarding world. A few hours later harry fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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UGGHH MY HANDS HURT FROM TYPING. Let me know what you think of the story so far and make sure to vote if you liked the story!

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