Weird feelings

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*Terrences Pov*

Today as usually we had kindergarten at 8 am, but today me and Mike were late a little, because dad had overslept and we arrived at 08:11am. When I just got to class Noah had run to me, greet me and told me he has big news. He told me his parents let him start guitar lesson. I won't lie I got a little jealous, but I was happy for him and my mom said that I probably could go to and also for piano and singing lessons. As usually I greet with Gaby and Lucas too and we began to play. I was asking Noah about his lessons. He told me he has next Thursday after kindergarten and lots of people liked that music teacher and Noah told me he has 3 last places to book, so if I wanted to start lessons I had to book with parents. I also found out that Lucas is going to him for drums lessons next Monday. I wish I could go too, but my parents have to agree, so I have to tell them when I'll be home.


*Still Terrences Pov*

It was finally end of the day. Dad was driving home when I decided to talk to him "Dad, could I start music lessons?" Dad had been looking at the road and thought a while, at first I thought he didn't heard me "Dad?", "But singing or something else?" Dad asked "I was thinking about singing, piano and guitar", "All three at such young age?", "Yes, I was watching with mom a concert and there was a band and they were so cool! The singer could play on piano and the guitarist had such a talent" Then dad started to drive other way. I was confused what he's doing because I already knew the way to home from kindergarten. "dad, what are you doing?", "We're going to Mr. Plebear. He's a music teacher, Noahs parents told us about him" I was so happy that I wanted to scream, but I couldn't because Mikey was sleeping and I didn't wanted to wake him up. When we got there, dad had been asking Mr. Plebear for more informations about lessons and he asked me what day I would like to have lessons I choosed Friday at 4pm. Mr. Plebear also told my dad which guitar and piano would be the best to buy for me to practice at home. My first lesson will be next week because tomorrow Mr. Plebear won't be at work. When we got home I've run fast to mom to tell her about it. She looked happy for me and after dinner parents had been talking when to go buy the instruments for me.


*Still Terrences pov*

The next day at the kindergarten I've told my friends about these news they were all happy for me and today we've been drawing for almost whole day and Noah had been weirdly talking about Michael I don't know why, but I kinda felt somehow mad, he is my brother, not Noahs.

*Mikes pov*

I've met my friends when they were playing and they asked me to join them, so I did and we started playing. After some time I've got bored and decided to draw, I sat down on the table took paper and started to draw. When I was sitting there Stacy came up to me and asked to join and I agreed. We started to talk, mostly about our families and friends, then we started to talk about our brothera. Stacy is really kind and funny, she seemed to have a very strong relationship with her brother.


*Noahs pov*

It's been 6 years and now we are 12. My relationship with Michael had been getting better and better, I've even started to feel a weird feeling around him, but I don't want it to effect on our friendship. Before lessons Michael had came up to me and gave me a box saying it's a gift from him. I don't for what, but inside there was a bracelet. Red-purple bracelet. I was so happy I got a gift from him and he said he spent whole weekend on making it, "I'll never take it off" I've said wanting to cry. The bell rang and we said goodbye to each other going to our classes. At lunch time I was with Terrence and Lucas in the bathroom. While they were talking I was laying against the wall thinking. "Right Noah?" Lucas asked, but I wasn't listening I was in my own world. They both looked at each other and then at me "Noah?" Terrence asked, "NOAH!" Lucas yelled at me and I got out of my trance and looked at them "Yeah?" I asked "You weren't listening to me, were you?" Lucas asked "Yeah, I was thinking", "Ohh, what were you thinking about?", I've stayed silent for a while and asked "What are your opinions about LGBT people?" They looked at me confused "I don't mind them. I heard they're funny and have a good fashion style" Lucas said and we both looked at Terrence. He looked at his hands and took a deep breath "I'm so gay for Freddie Mercury" He said and Lucas started fangirling and that's how their conversation about Freddie started, but Lucas looked at me and asked "Wait, why are you asking about that?" I looked at him not knowing what to say "WAIT, ARE YOU AGY OR SOMETHING?!" Lucas asked yelling "Be quiet Lucas and I think I might be" I said they both looked at me shocked, but it only lasted for some seconds "Why am I even shocked? It was obvious" Terrence said "After all you never liked girls" he added. He was actually right, I never really liked girls and Gaby was probably my only "girl friend", but I never realized it.

*3rd person pov*

As boys were in the bathroom, they didn't know that one of their classmates Thomas heard them talking, heard the whole conversation " I need to tell everyone!" He thought and run to their class to tell everyone else. Just before the bell boys went to class. Noah was entering class as the first of them when suddenly a bucket of water had fell on him. He heard some people laughing, but some of them wasn't. Mostly that one boy who's father is working with Mr. Afton and was really afraid Terrence could tell is father and get him fired as Noah is his best friend. The other two of boys went inside the class, Terrence in front of Noah and Lucas staring behind him, not believing in what just happened. "STOP LAUGHING YOU IDIOTS!" Terrence yelled and Thomas came up to them "Was it refreshing?" he said, while Noah looked at him wanting to kill hin, but decided to calm down and not showing the emotions that Thomas want to see from Noah. As Terrence was yelling at Thomas, Noah stopped him "Stop waisting your breath on a homophobic bitch with -1 IQ and dick size of a nut" Noah said and the others started laughing "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING OF TERRENCE?!" Thomas said frustrated and embarrassed "Of my best friend roasting you" That's when teacher came in and told them all to stop laughing and told Noah to change and gave him detention, "If I'm already going there then fuck you all and your homophobic sense of humor" he said and walked out of class. "And you both clean this up and go to detention too" the teacher said to Terry and Thomas. Terry looked at her and said "I'm supposed to clean after him? What am I his maid?", the teacher was mad and made them clean the floor and go to detention.

*Noahs pov*

As I walked into the detention room I saw Michael laying on one of the desks. I came up to him and he looked at me. We stared at each other for a while and he asked me "What are you doing here and what happened to your clothes?", "Oh, uh just bullies and what are you doing here?" I asked "I was going to the toilet and one of teachers saw me, she didn't let me explain why I'm outside the class in class time" he said. I sat down next to him and laid down in the desk looking at Mike and he did the same. He smiled, I could feel the blush forming on my face. We heard the door bang open, Terrence and Thomas fighting. Of course about the thing with water. And just like that we stayed here to the end of the day.

Michael Afton x Noah MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now