The start of issues

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The 2 years went by to this day. The day when Aftons life turned upside down.


"Daddy, will you let me go play with her? She's so pretty and shiny!", "No, Elizabeth, she's dangerous, don't go near her. Go play with your brothers, I need to talk with Mr. McCarter". As her father said Elizabeth went to look for her brothers, but one thing got her attention. She was walking beside the stage. Her stage. She looked at her for a while and walked inside, step by step closer to her. Her older brother Chris seen her walking into circus, so he went after her. He seen his sister getting a bit too close to Circus Baby, her stomach open and offered Elizabeth ice cream. "Liz! Stop! Get away from her!" Chris yelled at her, she only looked at him and took the ice cream "Look, Chris, she can make ice cream!", " Liz, get awa-" Elizabeth screamed, that people on the other side of restaurant could hear it. After hearing that Michael and Terrence started running to place where the scream came from knowing the scream came from their sister. Chris standing there in shock and fear "E-Elizabeth?" He started crying like never again terrified by what he saw and what he sees. He couldn't believe in what just happened. "Chris!" Terrence yelled from the distance. Both of Chriss older brothers entering the room and shocked by seeing blood  on C.B "What happened here?!" Terrence asked, "Chris, it was Lizs scream, what did you do to her?!" Michael yelled at Chris "S-S-he-e..." Chris tried to say between sobs, but couldn't "JUST SPIT IT OUT!" Michael yelled at Chris like never before. The poor, terrified boy got scared even more and couldn't say anything. "Michael! Don't yell at him like that! He's scared!" Terrence said to Michael. The other in madness and sadness walked out of the room to get his father. Terrence kneeled down  to Chris and hugged him trying to calm him down "Calm down Chrissy, you'll tell us what happened when you'll calm down", but Chris couldn't he was terrified by what he saw. The image of an animatronic killing his younger and only sister. He knew he won't be able to sleep for the next few nights.


"Chris! What did you do to her!?" Michael yelled again, but this time in the living room in their house. They're home alone since their parents stayed in the SL waiting for police. "I-I did-dn't do anyth-ing! Sh-he was t-the one w-who d-didn't lis-stened to m-me!" Chris tried to explain.  Michael only huffed and went to his room.

*at McCarters*

Noah and Stacy were watching news on TV when suddenly in the news they showed a restraunt, Aftons restraunt. The siblings looked at the TV curiously and their mother walked in from the kitchen. "Today in the pizzeria Circus Baby World happened a terrible accident, one of the robots had been found with blood on it. Theory says there was a murder. It says the victim could be one of the owners children, his youngest child Elizabeth A. This accident is still in progress and Mr. Afton didn't wanted to answer our questions." All the three were speechless and hopped Liz was alright and she just hid somewhere. Noah decided to go to Aftons house to see if he could comfort his friends. Stacy wanted to come with him, so he said yes.

*Back with Aftons*

Chris went to his room and Terry and Mike are in the living room watching TV when they saw the news. Michael had started crying again. Even if he hopes that Liz is somewhere, he is scared about her. "Already in the news..." Terrence said and the phone rang "I'll go pick up" Terry said and stood up and walked to the hallway to pick up the phone. After some minutes Terry came back "Grandpa is going to be here soon" he said and we heard a knock on the door. Terry sighed "I'll be right back" Terry said going to get door and Mike chuckled waiting for his older brother. When he got back Mike noticed that Noah and Stacy are here. They greeted Mike and said sorry for their loss.

Few months later it was Chriss birthday at the restaurant he doesn't really like going to.
"Guys, I think we shouldn't do that prank" Mike said, "This morning I felt really bad and whenever somethings bad going to happened, in the morning the same day I feel really sick" Simon said being a bit worried "I think that prank is kinda dangerous and Chris is only 9 years old today" Mark said "Oh, c'mon guys we've been planning it for so long and it was your plan Mike" Fredrick said.
Mike and his friends put Chriss head in to Freadbears mouth. Chris started begging them to stop, Mike told them to stop, with him Simon and Mark. Mike took Chris out and after a little argument between Mike and Fred, Fredrick took Chris and put him back "Fredrick stop!" Mike yelled that's when Chris started crying "Or what? It's not like anything will happe-" Fredrick wanted to finish, but they heard cracking noise and bang of old springlocks. Fredrick felt blood on his face and the other three were in shock and as soon as Mike realized what he done he started crying, crying just like Chris was when Mike yelled at him on the day of Liz's disapearence. Fredrick just run away leaving them in here. Mark and Simon were standing there in shock and not believing in what happened, that they killed such a young boy. No not them it was all Fredricks fault. Not Mikes, not Simons, not his, just Fredricks. Security had came to look it, but it was different when William came to look at it after hearing people screaming "Chris!" William screamed after seeing his son hunging from Freadbears mouth. Michael couldn't believe he made it happened. He blamed himself for everything. He couldn't stop crying. William came closer to the accident that just happened. He looked at his son behind him. His heart felt like it was breaking apart in tiny pieces. Michael started to feel worse his breath begin to be hard to take, his vision started to blur, he couldn't calm down. When William saw his son getting worse he knew it was panic attack he quickly got to Michael and started to calm him down. After Mike started to calm down William asked him what happened to his brother. Michael definitely didn't wanted to talk about it, so Willy decided to check on cameras later. After a while the police and ambulance arrived to the pizzeria. At first they talk to our teenagers and to the clients that still were there, then they took the image from the cameras with William and he couldn't believe what he saw, at least he was happy that his Michael wanted them to stop, but also that weird, similar feeling knowing that one of his sons best friends had killed his son.

*Some days later*

"We don't want to be friends with you anymore" Fredrick said to Michael, but he only looked at him with his tired eyes "Actually... We don't want to be with you Fredrick... You were the only one who wanted to keep the prank" Mark said "We hope you forgive us someday, Michael..." Simon said with the sadness in his voice. Michael closed his locker and looked at all on them "I could forgive you and Mark, but you... Fredrick. You're the worst fucking person I've ever met and I ever fucking fell in love with. Even if you would do anything, the most impossible thing for me to forgive you, you can only eat shit" Michael said disappointed in them leaving him in such hard times "Who do you think you are to tell me that?! Are you looking for a fight?!" Fredrick yelled. Michael smirked at his sentence "I'm not, but seems like you are" Michael said to Fredrick "G-Guys fight won't do anything" Simon said worried they'd actually fight, unfortunately they started.

Michael Afton x Noah MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now