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•||Ch11: Untold Tale of Lovers||

•||Ch11: Untold Tale of Lovers||•

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||Mehrun's POV||

I looked at my phone and sighed while looking at the gossip on Elite News Blog. All the people in the Elite circle were actively talking about yesterday's event. About what happened yesterday at Mrs. Ayesha Khan's birthday party.

All the past history of Haider was being discussed. His past relationships record. His scandals. And how he not only secretly married a girl and impregnated her but also dated other girls behind his wife.

I threw my phone on my bed and fell on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Thinking of how Shaizum left me alone at the party without leaving a message and ran behind him.

He hadn't sent me any messages nor replied to me yet, making me even more upset.

I rolled on my bed and opened the first drawer of my nightstand. There was a small bottle inside. I took that bottle out and uncapped it, tilting it towards my palm and watched as three pills fell on my palm. I capped the bottle back and put it in its place.

This bottle had been my companion for many years whenever I was unable to control my emotions or my emotions took place in my heart. No one knew about this medicine bottle, not even Shaizum.

I swallowed the pills without water and laid back in the middle of the bed. I sighed and closed my eyes as I felt all the emotions inside me numbed, forgetting everything at this moment.

Unknowingly I fell into a deep slumber and woke up the next day.

"Is my baby Mehrun up?"

I heard my Nano's voice as I opened my eyes. I was feeling dazed and unfocused until a hand was patted on my head.

"Mehrun, Mera chotta bacha (My little baby)?" Nano's voice full of concern woke me up from daze.

I blinked and turned to look at her and saw her sitting on my bed beside me. I pulled my lips in a small smile and put my head on her lap.

"Nano. When did you arrive?" I asked her in a low and quavering voice.

"Last night. You skipped your dinner and breakfast again," She replied and scolded me while patting my back.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and rubbed against her belly. I was trying to act cute with her so she couldn't scold me anymore.

Which worked. Like every single time.

"Now get up quickly and fresh up. I'll make something for you to eat," She said with a sigh and pushed me away.

I pouted and wrapped my arms around her waist again before she got up.

"Nano. Let me stay like for few more minutes," I pleaded her and looked at her with my big pleading eyes.

She gave in and tapped my forehead, letting me stay in this position with her for few minutes.

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