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•||Chapter 25: Meeting again...?||•

Everything was almost the same in the room as they left before shifting to London

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Everything was almost the same in the room as they left before shifting to London. She sat on the bed with fatigue evident on her face and jet lag kicking in. She hadn't had rest since she arrived from Paris as she went straight to see her good friend Anmol.

Mehrun laid on the bed thinking of Anmol and her loss and grief. Soon her thoughts drifted to the man she ran away from. A small smile tugged on her lips as she remembered the initial days of their marriage and how he treated her so carefully. His behavior now was still like the initial days but with a touch of rogue.

But nevertheless, a perfect gentleman, always attentive to her needs and showering her with affection, sometimes childness too. And that was why he let her go and do what she wanted, away from him so as not to disturb her brain functions as she used to say.

Soon her eyes fell on the box laying on the bedside table. She picked it in confusion but seeing the brand's name, her confusion vanished. There was a small flutter of butterflies in her heart as she untied the ribbon with shaky fingers and carefully opened the box.

Inside the box were hand gajre and a small note with elegant handwriting on it.

𝓣𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓶.

Her cheeks turned pink as her fatigue and restlessness faded away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. She put the hand gajre around her wrist and stared at it with unknown affection until her eyes were heavy with tiredness.

The next she woke up was from feeling pain in each part of her body. She felt herself on fire and something lumping in her throat. She got up from the bed weakly and rushed to the washroom as fast as she could and emptied her stomach.

Her body slouched weakly as she vomited nonstop for a long time and felt dizziness. Once her vomit paused, she cleaned herself quickly. But soon her vomit continued.

She was leaning against the wall weakly with cold sweats when she heard someone knock and enter the room.


Hearing her Phupho's voice, a tear escaped from her eye.

"Phupho!" She cried, calling her weakly and trying to stand but stumbled back on her knees.

Soon, quick footsteps were heard and her Phupho entered the washroom. Seeing her on the floor leaning against the wall with pale face, Mirha Phupho quickly came to her rescue and took her back to the room.

"You are burning, Mehrun!" Mirha Phupho exclaimed with surprise and worry, then quickly rushed to call the driver.

Seeing her Phupho, Mehrun's tear turned to sob as she felt herself in so much pain.

"Shh... Everything's fine. I'll take you to the hospital and you'll be fine like nothing happened. Stop crying, my baby," Mirha Phupho wiped her tears then took her to the car with a servant's help.

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