Anti-monster law

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3rd person POV

   When Wikolia and cheer squad got back in town the word of werewolves spread thanks to the Acey's panicked texts. Now the town was in a state of panic and everyone running to the city council to ask what to do. The Mayor, Addison's mother, was convinced that someone had to do something about it and reinstated the anti-monster laws. Which not fair to the zombie that Addison tried to argue with her mother but failed. While all this was happening Zevon ,their dad, sent Wikolia and Zoey home so they didn't go into panic like whole town but Zoey more so.
Wikolia's POV

   I was carrying Zoey home as I was told to and plus I really didn't want poor Zoey to get ran over by a panicked zombie or human. I mean what on Earth are they so panicked about they have a werewolf in town, me. I didn't really enjoy their screaming though. When we got back I sat Zoey down.
   "Kol, do you think that we could get a were-friend? I mean I am the only zombie in my class." She told me. I think if she had a monster friend it wouldn't be that lonely with the human kids. I think it would be good for her.
    "I think they would love to be your friend, pup. How about this we can make a poster for a wanted were-friend and I can help put it up at the bus stop so everyone can see it."
   "Really Kol, we can do that?!" She said excitedly.
   " Yes ,pup." She started on her poster and when she finished we walked to the bus stop. I was given her poster and I began to hang it up when I noticed Zoey walked off.
Wyatt's POV

  I was ordered to go into town to see what I can find out. I had to dressup as worker with big glasses. I just walked around seeing people panicked and run around screaming. Dumb people. When I saw a little girl with green hair come up to me.
  "Have you seen any werewolves, mister?" She asked. I shook my head and responded.
"Silly kid, there is no such thing as a werewolf."
  "Yes there is, my big sister is one and my brother's girlfriend saw one howling."
   "Maybe it was a hiker saying Howl's it going." I said when I saw a famiar face I haven't seen in so long. Wikolia, our flower.
  "Zoey, where did you go? Never mind that, I am sorry sir we are still teaching her not to talk to talk to strangers." She said picking up the girl.
  "It is quite alright and I hear you are a werewolf," I said knowing it is dumb to ask.
  "Yep I got the fangs and tail to prove it. Though I do hope to meet that wolf again because I would like apologize for growling at her. I was only protecting my friend." She said putting her ears down.
   "Wikola,Zoey come inside it not safe with all those wolves out and about."
   "Coming ,dad" Wikolia said. She sat the girl down and the commented on how big my eyes were. Then she ran home.
"You should head back to the den, wolf- boy. I hope to see you again. Also tell your alpha I am sorry. Keep safe and wag you later,"Wikolia said wagging tail and smiling at me before running to her house. I smiled and muttered smart pup before grabbing the poster they hung up and running back to den. I have missed seeing her floppy ears. I hate that we couldn't find her all those years ago. We knew she is horrible was directions but still lost her. She so cute like when we were pups. Willa and Wynter are gonna be so happy. When I got back I howled to say I'm back.
   "Wolves, he is back," my sister and alpha ,Willa said as another gave me back my moonstone necklace.
   " What did you find out?" She asked.    
   " They saw you howl, Willa." I said with my arm crossed.
   "So what I only said 'Awoo' like 'aloha' or 'ciao' or 'I will rip your throat out'."
   " We're exposed now," I said holding up the poster the little girl made.
    " That looks nothing like us. We have better hair."
   "All that aside we have to find Wikolia and great alpha. I saw them in the forest together and I saw Wikolia in town."
"Wait, you saw pup?!" Wynter yelled excitedly.
  "I saw her too and that girl she was protecting could of just had the light her hair. Even if there is a great alpha so stop being a worry-wolf ,brother," Willa said.
  " I think we should find them both. I also bet she as small as when she was as a pup." Wynter said. She thinks she can pick Kol up like she used to. I could agree she is small.
   " I think we can find them using this." I said holding a patch from my pocket.
" By scent we can find them." Wynter said.
"We can go tomorrow." I offered.
"We go tonight." Willa ordered.
A/n play video above.

  3rd Person POV
   The wolves run through the forest. They made to the high school and Willa order them to hide a vent. They all fit in the vent and some went to bed. Wynter, Wyatt ,Willa all thought the same thing they get to see their mate once again. They all cuddled together falling asleep.

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