do it like the zombies do

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A/N this may be a long chapter so fair warning.
3rd person POV
~At the den~
When they returned to the Wills and Wyatt introduced Wikolia to the pack. Everyone but the pups knew her anyway but all enjoyed to see her again and howled a welcome. Willa and Wyatt got pulled away to attend to Alpha and second in command business. Wynter stayed with Wikolia in main den where a pup, Wylie, came up to ask if Wikolia met any kids her age since she was oldest pup. Wikolia mentioned her sister Zoey from her kindness to her perfect ear scratches. Wynter decided to pick Wikolia up and place her lap and hold her.
  Wikolia's POV
  " Wynter,what's you doing?". I questioned when I was put in her lap. It not like I don't like it. I always knew Wynter to love physical contact probably that's still the case.
   " I am holding and scent marking you. Do you not want me to hold you?" She said sadly in crook of my neck.
  " I am okay with you holding me I guess it spooked me second. By the way what is scent marking and is it okay for pup eyes?"
   " Oh right you never learned about it. We did sometimes when we were pups actually but you thought it was cuddling. Scent marking is where someone rubs their scent on you to say your mine or just so they can find you again some wolf parents do that to their pups." She explained rubbing her head in my neck. I guess it normal so leaned back for her to do so. Wylie left to go to play with the others since she got bored.
    "So when will Wills and Wilder be done with their duties?"
   "They should be coming shortly and most likely they will do the same thing since been while for us to even hold you." She said. My ears were trying to find their voice but I didn't hear them until two foot step stopped behind us and I was lift like I was Zoey's puppy. Which I ended up squeaking.
  "Aw Pup that was cute. Did you miss us?" It was Wyatt and my tail give me away the way it wagged. 
   " Yes I did but I got Wynter time so i am still happy." I said confidently and still happy to see them.
    "Well we can have some time before curfew so how about we all cuddle in Willa's room her bed is bigger than ours so it will be fit us four." He said.
"Okay." I said wrapping myself around his waist so can carry me comfortably. We went to Wills room and we all cuddle together in a puppy pile. We stayed like that for a while until I got text from Zed saying to come home. We got up and Willa kissed saying see ya tomorrow. Wyatt and wynter held my hands taking me home and did same thing.
  3rd person POV
    The next morning, Wikolia woke up coughing which she tried care of it by getting up and drinking some water. After that she got dressed and walked downstairs where Zed was talking about how could get the wolves to vote for him. He was so distracted to notice Wikolia until she greeted Zoey. Their dad left early before Wikolia got up.
Wikolia's Pov
I greeted Zoey and Zee was talking about the wolf votes.
  "Kol, could you help me get the wolves since you are a wolf." Zed asked me. I really don't know why Zed thinks that wolves care about that. I think he is looking more human.
   " I can try to help you but I don't think they really care about that." I said grabbing my bag and walking out of the house. I walked down the street when Wyatt came up to me.
  "Hey pup, headed to school?" He asked grabbing my hand.
   "Yep, I couldn't handle Zed's endless talk about getting your guys vote and he wants me to help to convince you." I said walking towards the school.
  "Well I don't see why we don't really care about human elections. Do you know the white haired girl?"
" Yeah her name is Addison and she a sweet girl. Wait a minute do you think she is the Great alpha?"
   "Yeah." He said rubbing his neck. We ended up at the school.
  "Should we start the day? I will see you later but I going to grab Westley and Wanda they have English with me." I said walking over to the pack. Westley and Wanda looked up and smiled. I they are happy they have the same class as me. Should I tell them I can't spell and reading aloud is hard for me? I went over and kissed Wynter, Willa l, and Wyatt. Then I pulled Westley and Wanda to English. They are twins which I think they are cool and they are a little older and taller  than me.
~time skip to after school ~
   Some of the pack were in the library for study hall while I was at chemistry but I couldn't do the experiment since they were using silver. The Acey's laughed at me and threw some silver stuff at me which hurt and burned me. I walked out of school to find the pack after chemistry. I guess they waited for me and they had a stack of books.
" Ready for research and to find the moonstone." I said grabbing few books from a stack. oh the history books I don't remember it mentioning the moonstone it but maybe the one that talks about us wolves will help. I felt a hand shoulder. It was Wynter.
  "Are you okay, pup?" She asked pointing at the burn mark on my neck. I guess I can't heal as fast because how low my moonstone. Whatever is happening I don't know my moonstone has enough energy right. I don't want to die and leave my mates ,family ,or friends.
  " Just some mean kids in chemistry throwing silver bits at me and I don't know why it isn't healing that fast." I said feeling like I was going to cough. I started coughing which really hurt. I dropped the books I holding.
  "Pup! Somebody get some water!" Wynter said holding me as I coughed. Wyatt got some water and helped me drink it.
   " We need to find the moonstone soon or I don't think pup will make it." Willa said in panic but also alpha like matter. I stopped coughing and Wynter still held me by waist and Wyatt picked up the books I dropped and we walked. To the Zombie town. We looked through the history books and I pulled out a book that might have what we are looking over but it said everything but where the moonstone could be. Then I saw my brother, little sister ,and Eliza walk over.
  "Hello wolves, I am Zed, a football player and hopefully president person.
  "What do want?" Willa said.
   " To be your friend." He said
   "We don't need friends we have our packs."
   " But what about Wikolia?"
    " She is pack."
      "How anyone not want more friends?" Zoey said.
    "We are wolves. We are tough and rough." Wynter said.
" You said ruff like a puppy dog like ruff ruff cute." Zoey said walking up and scratching behind her ear. 
  "Oh my moon that feels good." Winter said but step away since Willa and Wyatt looked at her weird. I didn't care since I knew Zoey scratches are the best. I walked over and kneeled next to Zoey to let her scratch behind my ears. When she does it I think it calm me down. She knew I what I wanted and started scratching behind my ears. My tail started to wag. I wasn't listening to what they were talking about until I felt eyes on me.
  "What? Wait did you say something about what happens when we don't have our moonstones. Sorry I wasn't listening and I didn't want you to worry, Zed. That why I didn't say." I said sitting down across legged while Zoey went back to scratching me. They talked some more. Then Zed started to sing that us wolves should do it like the zombies do.

A/N Finally out and next chapter will be Willa time since Wynter and Wyatt will be getting Addison at cheer practice. I will update soon so be in tune. Have a great day lovelies.

Puppy Love (Wynter+ Wyatt+ Willa X OC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now