harlem 1961 next morning

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Your pov

You wake up and get dressed for the day

You eat brekfast by your self and go to work for the day

You pick lunch for your dad and head over there

One of the uncles comes to the door and let's You in

Dad hi everything ok what bring you

You hi everything goof I just brought you lunch

Dad ty honey

You of course I see you later

Dad yeah ciao

Bumpy comes in

You bye pops

Bumpy hi

You hi

Vincent what do you want

Bumpy I need to pay off the debt

Vicent alright

They talk business for a few

Time skip

Dinner time and then you and Stella hang out

Time skip you head back to your room to listen to music on your record player

Your dad knocks on your door 🚪

Vincent hi bambino I love you good night

You love u too gn

He closes your door and you continue to listen to your music

Time skip it's 6:50 am on a Friday and you can't sleep

You open your door and go downstairs
To get something

You get a glass of milk and two cookies

You hear footprints but continue eating

Mom hi honey everything ok

You hi I couldn't fall asleep

Mom oh alright honey gives you kiss on the head

You 🥰 I guess I get my morning started I'm going to get breakfast

Mom ok what are going to get

You I was thinking bagels

Mom sounds good take your sister

You ok

You go back upstairs get dress and knock our you Stella room

Stella sis

You yeah get up we're getting food

Stella yay coming

You go downstairs

You see ernie downstairs

Ernie morning em

You morning to you too

You did dad want you check up on us

Ernie yes

You ok were about to leave

Ernie yeah

You guys get start placing your orders

Ernie waits out the store for you too

New charchter Marget Jhonson

She is Bumpy Johnson daughter

Margaret hi em

You oh hi how have you been

Margaret I been ok

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