friday 1963

4 0 0

Time skip 1:05 am

It's currently a cold morning in harlem and you can't fall asleep

Your dad already up so go to him

Dad oh hi honey

You hi sorry I can't fall asleep

Dad that's ok do you want some sleepy time tea

You that would be great

You drink the tea

You ty Dad

Dad of course now try to get some sleep

You I'll  try

You fall back to sleep

It's now 9am and you surprisely feel well rested

Ma em it's time to get up hon

Em okay I'm up

Ma here brekfast

Em ty ma

Ma of course

Em hey stel

Stella hi

Ma there enough for you both

Stella ty

Ma yw

Em sis I had a question

Stella what's up

Em where Teddy

Stella he gone

Em what do you mean

Stella he's not here

Em omf I'm so sorry sis

Em do you know

Stella dad

Em omg are you kidding

Stella no

Em I be right back

You leave your room and your so shocked and passed off

Dad oh hi honey

You ingores him

Dad doll

You ignored him

Dad what gotten into you

You one word Teddy

Dad oh

You yeah like are you kidding me

Dad what you know the rules

You I thought you changed but no

Dad honey

You no you storm upstairs

You get some things ready

Stella where are you going

You I love you but I can with him anymore and his traditions

Stella alright I love you be safe

You calls wrnie

Ernie hey hon whats up

You how fast can you get toy house

Ernie five minutes

You I need to leave

Enrie ok I be there soon

You ty baby

Ernie of course

You head downstairs

Ernie comes and get you

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