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After we all had our fun for the night, we headed back to Harveys place.

"hey do you guys know a Mason?" Sebastian ask as I give him a wary look

"If you mean Mason jones , he's the best dealer in town. dropped out freshman year. Oh I heard he went to school with the DuPonts before they- well Maisie moved and Maeve was shipped off" Harvey shrugs taking a sip from his flask

"Shipped off? what do you mean" I question getting intrigued

"apparently she was shipped off to London to study abroad"

"I don't want any of you to get sucked into anything with her" I crossed my arms "as more then friends"

"and care to tell us why?" Sebastian raised his eyebrow at me

Harvey sat up giving me a smirk "Natenate do you have a crush"

"gross no. she's the girl I got arrested last night" they gasp. " nothing happened just don't start something with trouble" they nod.


I'm sitting in my car about to walk into school. I spot Maeve through my rear mirror and automatically roll my eyes. she's not ugly I understand that. Wether she knew who I was or not that nasty attitude of hers brings me rage. To be honest I don't know why I care if the guys hook up with her but they still shouldn't.

I get out my car as I walk past Maeve pushing her out my way with my arm.

"asshole" I heard her mumble. I turn to see her as she shrugs "what?" I tilt my head getting a good look at her. "Nathaniel I haven't been here long you're still gonna bother me?"

"oh my bad I'm bothering you?" she nods as I give her a sadistic smile "good"

"I'm leaving" she walks past me as I grab her wrist pulling her back. However her iced matcha Starbucks drink spills over me.

"you bitch" I mutter to seeing her hands rise over her mouth

"ok it wasn't on purpose-" I walk towards her "you see I sorta-gotta run" she smiles before running off into the school. I chase after her.

Going hall through hall I grab milk from the cafeteria as she runs back and looks at me "ok Nate your a gentle guy right?" I nod as she turns to run

I quickly pull her back pouring the milk over her "there now were even"

"you call this even? I swear to--"

she's cut off by the headmaster "Mr.Archibald and Miss.Dupont"

we glare at each other before looking at her "Yes ma'm sorry ma'm" we speak at the same time

"your excused for the day. I don't want this to occur again. meet in my office tomorrow after school" she walks away as Maeve and I begin to head out the school.

on our way to the cars I look over as she's squeezing milk out her hair "you happy now little cow?

"the covered in milk part sucks but going home i'm happy about " I scoff  before she  gives me a salute "i've been here 2 days and not full times" she mumbles before running off happily.


heading through the doors I immediately shut them closed running into the kitchen at the sound of screams.

"I told you to stay, why disobey me!!" my father yelled as he lifts his hand against my mothers face leaving a red print. she screams holding onto her cheek.

"I'm sorry dear it won't happen again" she cries

the second they spot me my fathers gaze searched over me "tell me why i get a call my son has a food fight in the first 30 minutes of school"

"some girl spilled milk on me, wasn't a good fight just accident sir"

he sighed "take your mother and go i'll be back after my business trip to Paris" walking out of the house.
"Nathaniel dear" i helped my mother to the couch as she laid down placing a hand over her head "it's okay mom just rest" i mumbled as her eyes closed

My house was always like this ever since i was little. My parents never have gotten along but maybe that's what marriage is, sticking with someone even though you hate them. They loved each other at some point but i guess every love fades.
Dad was running for ambassador of new york and while Mom inherited her money and success. Ever since my dad became making millions my parents have been rocky. Their both emotionally and physically abusive to each other for fear of the other over succeeding them.
Dad just left for some business in Paris moms taking a spa week tomorrow.
I've spent the morning in and out of sleep. it's finally 2 pm meaning Sebastian and Harvey are out of school. We planned to meet up at some bar and grill harvey wanted to try.
I walk into the red light room walking over to Sebastian and Harvey sitting in between the two.

"NATHANIE" harvey slurred
"how much has he drank already?" i look over at Sebastian who shakes his head

"hey what can i get u guys" a blonde brown eyed waitress walks up to us "2 beers thanks" i mutter as my finger fidgets with my ring. Sebastian gives her a soft smile before she walks away
"you okay nate?" he asks placing a hand on my shoulder , i give him a slight shrug "is it maeve?"

"huh?" i quickly sit up looking at him with concern

"i don't know ever since you seemed to have laid eyes on her you've been-"
"been what? agitated?"
"you've been googly with looooooveee" harvey sings as he reaches for our drinks which just arrived. Sebastian and i quickly take them

"no more drinks. " he glared at him
"what do you mean googly in love? Maeve just shows up 3 days ago and she keeps pissing me off if anyones googly in love it's you too dorks." i chug my drink

"nate-" Sebastian tries before i quickly cut him off by getting up and walking over to the waitress pulling her into the back

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