Chapter 41 - A Deadly Secret

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Later that night, too tired to sleep I found myself climbing out of bed. Deciding a glass of water might do the trick, I left the room and quietly made my way to the kitchen. I passed by Romero who had fallen into a peaceful slumber on the couch.

He must have gotten in after I retired for the night.

He had been doing that a lot lately. I let my eyes run over his features a moment. I remembered what it felt like to sleep next to him, the comforting warmth of his body. The way we fitted  perfectly together. The memory just added to the conflict I felt about Lucas and him. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I moved towards the kitchen.

I held my glass under the tap and turned on the water. As the glass slowly filled, I stared out the window above the sink. The invisible force of the winds pushing the treetops all toward one direction. Foreboding clouds still hung in sky threatening to burst open.

That's when I saw it again, the dark slender silhouette enter the cabin that was farthest from the rest. The soft glow of a candle illuminated the windows of the cabin.

Cold liquid ran over my hand, startling me. I closed the tap and rested the overflowing glass in the sink.

I looked back to the cabin.

What were they doing?

The thought intrigued me enough that I found myself standing there a while, my eyes trained on the cabin's window. About five minutes had passed when the light went out.

I considered going back to bed and forgetting about it. Most likely it was some teenagers messing around, or... someone with something to hide. The latter thought made me wait a few more minutes.

Seeing no movement inside the cabin. I went back to the room. I pulled on a black long sleeve and a pair of jeans. At the front door I tugged on my boots before cracking the door open and stepping onto the porch. Shutting the door quietly took some effort as the wind blew against it.

I looked to the rest of the cabins, all immersed in darkness including ours. Clearly, this person didn't want people seeing them, since they either waited till everyone was asleep or occupied to visit the cabin.

I padded down the porch steps going towards the last cabin. I stumbled my way through the dark. Flashes of lightning illuminated my path every now and then until I stood at the foot of the stairs to the intimidating structure.

As stealthy as I could, I climbed the stairs. I reached for the door, turning the handle. As expected, it was locked. I hadn't given much thought to this part of my mission.

Now what?

Moving to the side I peered through the French styled window. Through the sheer curtains, I could make out a small living area and kitchen with furniture identical to that in our cabin.

Guess whoever was here was long gone.

Deciding that I was being paranoid, I turned to head back instead of making any more attempts to enter the cabin. It was already late and I would need my energy for whatever torture Dune was preparing.

The sky lit up again followed by a deafening crackle of thunder, this time the rain came with it.

Just my luck...

The rain pounded on the roof above my head as I stood on the porch looking longingly at our cabin. Knowing full well if I drenched myself in the rain at this hour, I'd be sick for my first week of training.

I looked through the window again.

Might as well try since I'm stuck here.

I walked to the far side of the porch and leaned over the veranda peering around the side of the house. The person always entered from the back, maybe they had left it open this one time.

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