Laugh stock

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a/n: omg hey guys!!!!! I'm so excited to finally be writing a South Park fan fiction XD as you all know some of my previous fics, I couldn't write for a while cause I was in a coma for a while lol.  Am so glad to be back and am now able to write for my new favorite show!!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!! Pls leave comments if you like :)

n/n = nickname

f/c = favorite color

h/l = hair length

h/c = hair color

and of course u all know what y/n is XD


Y/n tapped her fingers against the car window sill idly, not looking forward to having to move to a new high school in some hick town. Her dad glanced back at him in the rear view mirror, sharing a look with her mother when he saw her dejected face.

Her mom sighed, "Come on n/n, it'll be okay!"

Y/n just shoved her nose further into her book in response knowing that this place surely just spelled out a new hell for her kids were always mean to people who stood out especially girls, who relentlessly bully anyone who doesn't fit in with the norm.

Y/n shuddered at the thought of the horrid bright pink acrylic nails of her old bullies, ripping apart her precious books and sketch pads. They were monsters. She learned to never trust girls after her best friend turned into one of them.

Y/n's dad sighed at her lack of receptiveness, "Ugh.. freak..." but her mom just shrugged patting him on the back and mumbling that she would get used to it eventually.

Y/n's old school life may have been hell but at least it was familiar. Nothing here was familiar. She was already a laughing stock back home. She was so terrified she would most definitely already be a laugh stock here since she was new and girls everywhere were the same.

She let her hair fall in front of her face like a shield from all those who had hurt her they arrived at their new house soon and the movers helping them move their stuff in y/n carry her back pack on her back and hauled in one of her suitcases once everything was moved into her new bedroom she put on her bed sheets and flopped onto her bed hugging her book to her chest. She glanced out the window and wanted to go outside to meet people her age outside but she was scared. What if the other teenagers in this town don't like her? She was sure they wouldn't. So rather than going out to play like the other teens, she just stayed curled up on her room.

But then there was a knock at the door. Y/n exited her room knowing her dad would yell at her to get the door. She walked past her parents bed room where her mom was fucking one of the movers like a whore with the door wide open. Dad must've been outside.

Y/n went to the front door and answered it. She began to sweat nervously, it was someone her age. Two people in fact. At least they weren't girls.

If they were girls y/n would've died.

One of them was a boy with straight black hair and blue eyes wearing a red and blue jacket he looked tired but nice the other was a stunning straight redhead with piercing green orbs that stares into your soul she couldn't tear her eyes away wow he also was a lot shorter than the other guy but that didn't matter his skin was also quite pale but there were freckles littering his face and he wore a green hat; Kyle cleared his throat after she had been staring for so long she immediately flushed red oh wow that was embarassing.

"Hey I'm Kyle. This is Stan. Its nice to meet you, we're your neighbors. We heard there'd be a new kid and just wanted to come say hi." The redhead smiled kindly.

"Oh... hello..." y/n greeted shyly.

"Are you gonna be going to South Park High? You're not going to the private North Park one, are you?" Stan asked.

Big Boned Wolf (Cartman x Reader x Kyle)Where stories live. Discover now