Fat snake in the grass

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a/n: I'm eating cornflakes XDD yas conflakes go so hard


You weren't able to go back out to the playground during recess. You didn't want to face the boys when it had been so obviously you were crying your cheeks tear stained and face blotchy. Y/n curled up against the wall of the abandoned corner of the Highschool trying to wipe away her teas with shaky hands. She couldn't seem weak and yet here she was.

She was glad she was alone so no one could see her sadness but at the same time she was sad because she felt so alone. Just when she was having the thought a guy appeared. The guy was no other than Eric Cartman, laughing in her face.

"Well, well, well, will you look at that. The oh-so-strong y/n is crying. Weaaaak. Its too bad life isn't like video games, huh? You can't cheat your way out of being an unlikable bitch." Cartman snickered.

"Shur uo cartman!!!" She yelled wiping away her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie.

"Yeah no, I don't think I'll be doing that. You see, it wasn't very kewl of you to humiliate me yesterday. You should know I don't take kindly to humiliation. If you don't want something like this to happen again, well, I'd just recommend you either stay far far away or learn your place, bitch."

"What...? Did.. did you make this happening?" Y/n gaped at him.

He laughed, "It's not difficult to get gossip circulating y/n. You already laid all the foundation for me by being a self absorbed bitch face."

Y/n sniffles, "Why? Why would you do that? I'm sorry I beat you in super smash bros yesterday okay? I didnt know it would upset you that much."

"I don't want your pussyfucking hippie ass apologies. I don't give a shit if you're sorry. You just need to know to stay in your place. Are we clear? Stay the hell away." Cartman growled.

"F-fine... okay..." you relented

That stupid cartman. She could never have friends. Of course she cojuldnt. She's be alone like she always has been.

It didn't matter if cartman was a boy. Girls werent the only people that could hurt her. The revelation was terrifying. Cartman was a snake in the grass, a fat one at that, and he was gonna make sure y/n never got to be happy. She was sure if it. He was evil and pissy all over a couple rounds of a video game.

He left her to cry for the remainder of recess before classes resumed again.


"Hey y/n," Kyle whispers to her in class while mr garrison looking away.

She glances over at him, fearful to talk to him after Cartman's warning. Over Kyle's shoulder, she sees cartman staring, expression dead and making slice motion acrossed neck with his hand.

She gulped and decided to ignore Kyle.

"Psssst.... Y/n...."

"What?" She whispered so quietly she didn't even hear the quiet sound escape her but Kyle clearly did.

"We're gonna play paintball this Saturday. Do you wanna come?" Kyle asked.

"Uhm...." She glances towards Cartman again. He's fixing her with the most petrifying glare, genuine anger contorting his expression. He was tapping his fingers against the desk menacingly. "No... no thanks. I'll be busy on Saturday actually. My family wants to have a uhm... movie night."

It wasn't technically a lie, even if she could probably easily get out of it if they knew she was making friends.

"Oh man, that sucks. Well, we're playing video games again today if you wanna join—"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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