Chapter 14

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A fury of long fingernails attempted to scratch at my face as I held a couch cushion against my body. Gemma had started running with enough distance between us for me to grab the cushion to protect myself before being tackled to the ground. It was like a reflex, but I was grateful for it after seeing the wild look in Gemma's eyes. She was strong, but my instinct to survive was stronger. I pushed up, keeping Gemma's claws as far as possible while wondering what the hell I did to provoke this woman.

Suddenly the weight on top of me lightened, and I saw Matthew holding Gemma in the air like a child throwing a tantrum. I scooted away in an attempt to create some distance between us.

"Gemma, you've got to calm down. Why are you trying to hurt this woman?" Matthew asked calmly, his voice unwavering to the pressure of the situation.

"This bitch stole him away from me! And just when I found out he was rich," Gemma growled, her face glowed a beet red while she struggled against Matthew's tight grip around her waist.

"Take a breath, Gem. You know Steven will recast you in a heartbeat if he hears of any more incidents." Matthew's tone still remained calm but sounded just a little more threatening.

Gemma's eyes widened and she rested her body a little. She breathed out slowly. Just as my heartbeat was beginning to return to normal, she shot me a glare that pierced through my soul. I had a feeling I should not be on this woman's bad side even though I had never meant to do so.

"Come on then," Matthew said softly then scooped Gemma into his arms. "I think you and Damien have a lot to discuss," he said looking over at me with raised eyebrows.

"He broke up with me, Matty," Gemma cooed like a restless toddler.

"I know, Ladybug, let's get you home," Matthew replied while walking out of the apartment.

I ran up and slammed the door shut. I leaned back and breathed out loudly as the adrenaline left my body.

"A little help here please," Damien called from the bed. He wiggled the fingers of his hand that was still bound to the bedpost with his belt.

I ran over and undid the belt to finally free Damien's hand. His wrist had been bound tightly causing a deep, red mark. He rolled his wrist in an attempt to get the feeling back and winced at the pain. Remembering my nurse duties, I promptly retrieved a bag of frozen peas to put on his wrist.

Damien sat quietly, a regretful expression crossing his face. I could sense his hesitation at telling me the truth, and I knew he wouldn't tell me anything without asking. I walked around and sat on the side of the bed I had been in that morning. I cringed slightly at the smell of Gemma's strong perfume that still lingered in the air around Damien.

"You want to tell me what's going on or did you want to keep more secrets? I made a decision today to go back to the way things were. I'm just repaying a debt to you, nothing more. We should've never... gone farther than that." Saying those words stung more than I expected it to.

Truthfully, I didn't want to go back to the way things were. There was something about Damien that drew me to him, and I didn't want to let that feeling go. But Damien's silence only proved that he didn't feel the same way about me.

"I was going to break up with her," Damien said quietly after a few moments of heavy silence.

"So she was telling the truth?" I asked. I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from him.

"I dated Gemma for just under 6 months. I don't get into relationships easily. I've only had about 2 maybe ever, but I really liked her until I realized she was batshit crazy," Damien paused to give me a faint smile. I crossed my arms and waited for him to continue.

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