It Is Really A Small World After All

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I was walking when suddenly a red haired guy dropped his dollar in the side walk.

He dropped a dollar.

Even though I had a feeling that he was a rich kid, I still had the urge to walk up to the red haired boy.

The guy was walking with such long and fast strides, that I had to run to get to the red haired guy.

I suddenly yelled without my control, "Hey! You red haired guy!" Suddenly the red haired boy turned around and looked at my electric blue eyes with striking deep forest green eyes. He stopped walking and suddenly stopped in his tracks, I took this chance to run up to him dollar still in hand.

"You dropped a dollar and it fell to my feet so I decided to give it to you." He never stopped looking at me while I reached out my hand with the dollar in the tip of my fingers.

"You can keep it." He said in a firm and authoritive tone. "What!? You made me run all the way to you just to give you a dollar that can probably help a lot of people!?" He looked at me boredly while fumbling with keys in his hands.

"Look I don't have time to play games and all but you're hot so I'll give you my private phone number." And he took out a sharpie and got a piece of ripped paper out of his leather jacket and walked towards the closest wall and wrote down his phone number. And gave me the phone number with my other available hand. And left me in the side walk fumbling with the dollar and phone number the red haired boy left me with.

And even though I could have thrown it away I still saved his phone number and placed the untouched dollar in a fancy looking jar like it was something special.


Authors Rambles:
Hey guys! The picture is when they met in 2013 (Fetus Mikey!). I am still not sure who will play as the girl (I won't say what her name is.) so kindly Comment on what you think would best fit a girl with dark brown hair and electric blue eyes! Thanks for reading and have a good rest of the day!
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