| Chapter five

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My body was screaming yes but I still thought about it. I thought about everything that I would lose for this. "I've been with Caleb for 6 years, forgive me if this is hard for me," I said squirming in my seat.

"Listen Aaliyah, my brother will never give you what you want. Don't you think you deserve this?" he asked, looking at me intensely.

His gaze pierced my soul and almost engraved my skin when he examined me once more. "Let me show you how much you need this," he said raising his eyebrows at me.

"But Caleb is your brother," I said nervously. Alex's nostrils flared in anger and his hands were clenched into a fist. "I don't give a fuck about that Aaliyah, I want you and I know you want me too. The fucking bullshit of you not getting what you deserve makes me want to give it to you more," he said making a bit of a scene.

A moment later a lady came to our table asking if everything was okay. "Is everything okay here? Alex you seem a bit tense." She knew his name.

For some reason that irritated me just a little but I let it go seeing as Alex wasn't mine.

"Everything is good Rachel, there's no need to worry," he said, looking straight into my eyes. I could feel his rage and desire radiating off of him. "Liya this is Rachel, the owner of this restaurant," she said motioning to her.

I gave her a polite smile. "It's nice to meet you," I said. She smiled back at me. "It's nice to meet you too." I looked back at Alex who seemed to have calmed down.

"Has anyone come to help you yet?" she asked looking at the both of us. I looked at Alex seeing as he was here a bit longer than I was. "No, not yet," he said looking at Rachel.

"Well then it would be my pleasure. I'll quickly go and get you some menu's," she said before disappearing.

"I'm sorry," I said, breaking the silence that fell between us. "It's just that I've been with Caleb for so long and I just don't want to hurt anyone, especially not him. He's my husband."

Alex sighed amused and brought his gaze to mine. "Darling if that were true you wouldn't be here," he said, the desire coming back into his eyes.

Rachel returned holding the menu's in her hand and she handed them to us with a smile. I wasn't able to concentrate because all I could think of were Alex's words.

I couldn't help but think it were actually true and that made me feel really bad. This made me question my love for Caleb and that was concerning. He was the man I fell in love with.

For a moment my mind went blank and I realised that I was talking about my love for him in past tense.

"So what will it be today?" Rachel asked taking out a note book and a pen.

"I'll have the Somerset Chicken," Alex said as he put then menu down. "I'll just have a chicken salad," I said as I closed them menu. I never order big meals because Caleb was always commenting on my weight and so I tried maintaining it. "And what will you have to drink," she said as she wrote down our meal order.

"We'll just have the white wine," Alex said giving Rachel his menu. "Actually I'll have an ice tea please," I said looking at Rachel then back at Alex. "Bring the bottle anyway," he said with an emotionless expression. Rachel looked at the both of us before walking away awkwardly.

My attention went back to Alex who looked at me with intensity. "Listen Aaliyah, Caleb will never give you what you want in bed. He's just not that type of man," he said before leaning onto the table.

"Let me show you I can give you what you want Liya." For a long moment I didn't say anything. The way Alex said it wasn't a question, it was more of a demand. He wanted to prove to me that he really could give me what I want, but what he didn't know was that I already knew that.

"What about the food," I asked him almost as if to change his mind. "That depends on you darling," he said before standing up. I looked up at him wide eyed.

He walked to me taking my hand, forcing me to stand up. He took me to a room and closed the door behind him. For a moment he didn't turn around. When he did he looked into my eyes holding me in place.

His gaze had me trapped for some reason and no matter how hard I tried to walk away my body had me planted in place.

"Your stubbornness makes me want to bend you over and spank that perfectly round ass of yours till it bruises," he said walking to me slowly.

My breath hitched at his words and I took a step back, hitting the wall. He chuckled at my reaction and it sent shivers up my spine. He stopped right in front of me, closing the gap that was between us.

"The things I would do to you Aaliyah are beyond what you have already imagined," he said, sliding his hand up my thigh. He easily towered over me and it was only now that I noticed he was a few inches taller than Caleb.

"Alex~" I moaned out in a breath, feeling his hand slid up my inner thigh. "I could have you screaming my name," he said before lifting me up. His hand came to my clit and circled it slowly earning a soft moan.

"All the things I want to do to this perfect body of yours," he said as he applied pressure making me gasp. I bit my bottom lip as he moved my underwear to the side.

"Soaked, just as I suspected," he said chuckling deeply. He placed a kiss on my neck and my back arched. Without warning he stuck two fingers inside of me, moving then aggressively in and out, not even giving me time to get used to them.

Honestly I didn't mind because it felt so good. It felt way too good. I bit onto his shoulder trying to contain my moans that wanted to escape through my lips.

What was I doing, I'm actually letting this happen.

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