| Chapter twenty-eight

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I wore a tight fit royal blue dress that had a deepish sweet heart neck line

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I wore a tight fit royal blue dress that had a deepish sweet heart neck line. I wore a black pair of heels on and a black liner look that had minimal hints of blue under my eye and a very little on the top and matched it with a deep red lipstick. My hair was tied up into a fancy messy bun of curls and I had a black bag to help the look.

Alex looked at me hungrily. He looked as if he was ripping my dress apart in his head and fucking me into oblivion. "Well... what do you think, do you like it?" I looked at him eagerly as he made his way to me.

"You look breathtaking darling." His lips came onto mine and he smiled at me. I laughed at him seeing the lipstick print on his lips. He furrowed his brows in confusion at my laughter. "What's so funny." I brushed my thumb over his lips applying some pressure so that the lipstick would come off.

I could feel his gaze on me as I concentrated on getting the lipstick off. When all of it was off I looked up at him with a smile of accomplishment.

"I think we should make this afternoon a little more interesting." He took out a small vibrator. "Stand in front the bed and bend over." I did as I was told with nerves and excitement, I had only seen this done in movies. I felt his hand trace my figure before he slowly lifted the dress, making sure not to ruin it. I felt the vibrator on my clit and I let out a soft gasp. I felt a light kiss on my ass before he pulled the dress down. "You can stand straight." I straightened up and squirmed feeling the pressure lightly.

He placed a kiss on my neck and came to my ear. "Turn around." His voice was light, low and seductive. I turned slowly looking up at him. He pulled a remote from his pocket and I felt the vibrator come to life.

I let out a loud gasp. The vibrations sent a jolt of pleasure right through my entire body. "Let's have some fun." He stopped the vibrations and I let out a breath. "Alex I don't think I can do this."

He turned to face me with a worried look on his face. "I'll be right there with you. I won't leave your side."

A warm feeling began to develop in my heart but I also couldn't help but let out a giggle. "You're so sweet, but that's not what I was talking about."

He looked at me confused for a moment. My hand came to his cheek. "I was talking about the toy you're gong to use to torture me during my sister's wedding."

His hands came to my hips as he pulled me closer. "Oh. Well in that case I hope you'll enjoy what's in store for you." A kiss came down on my cheek before he took my hand and lead me down stairs.

Alex drove us to the place where it all started, the place that ruined my marriage but gave me a better relationship.

We walked in and made our way to where the ceremony was taking place. Savannah was pacing around in front of one of the rooms before her eyes came to Alex and I.

She wore a yellow dress and had a yellow matching eye look

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She wore a yellow dress and had a yellow matching eye look. She had an orangy red lip stick and her curls were loose.

She came speed walking towards Alex and I with horror. "What the hell is this, Aaliyah he can't be here." She pointed at Alex. "I can't do this without him Savannah." She looked at me for a moment before sighing.

"I swear our family is a wreck. Things like this would have never happened if mom and dad were still here." She had a hurt look on her face and I pulled her in for a hug. "Mom and dad would be proud of what we have become individually. This may not be ideal but we have to stick together, for mom and dad." I pulled away and met her eyes at my last words. "And each other."

She nodded wiping the tear that rolled down her cheek. "Arina did want to see you by the way so..." She took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly before walking away and I turned to the door. "I have no idea why I'm so nervous." I said as I turned to Alex who was standing behind me with a sympathetic look on his face. "Don't worry Aaliyah. You'll be fine. I'll be right outside if you need me but you need to go in there and talk to her."

I nodded my head turning back to the door. I took a deep breath before knocking and walking in. Arina was standing in front of a mirror staring at herself. When she saw me in the reflection she turned to face me and I watched as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Aaliyah, you came." She wiped the tear that fell, carefully so that she wouldn't mess up her makeup.

She wore a beautiful slightly puffy wedding dress that had lace embroidery and an off the shoulder

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She wore a beautiful slightly puffy wedding dress that had lace embroidery and an off the shoulder. She had a deep pink lipstick and a neutral yet fancy eye make up look.

"Of course I came. You're my sister Arina." Her gaze went to the ground and I could feel the guilt radiating off of her. "It's okay Arina. If you're happy then that's all that matters."

I walked towards her taking her hands in mine. "I was really hurt at first but in the end we can't change what happened. I need you to to stop worrying about it and have some fun on your big day."  

A warm smile appeared on her face before we heard yelling outside. Sighing with an eye roll, I knew exactly who it was. I made my way outside and made sure to close the door behind me because it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

"No one sent you a fucking invitation so why are you here." Caleb was furious and Alex only stood there and looked at him emotionlessly. "You better-" His gaze came to me as I cleared my throat interrupting him.

"Aaliyah." He looked like he had just seen a ghost before the look was quickly washed away with a frown. He looked me up and down and I just knew he was undressing me with his eyes. "You look really good."

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