| Epilogue

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Alex was rubbing my feet as I as on the couch watching tv. There was a bowl of popcorn that sat on my bump that I ate. I gasped holding my stomach and Alex's eye snapped to me. "What's wrong."

I smiled at him rubbing my belly. "She's kicking." Alex came to my belly and put his hand on it gently. He then placed a kiss on my bump. "Don't scare me like that." He sat back in his spot on the couch and we continued watching tv.

A few hours later I made my way to the kitchen to get some whipped cream and some cucumbers. Throughout the whole pregnancy it was my favourite craving. I reached for the whipped cream but I felt a contraction.

I cried out as I held my belly. I rubbed it and heard Alex dashing to the kitchen. "Are you okay, what's wrong. Is the baby okay." He was so cute when he did the worry thing.

"I'm fine it was just a-" I felt another one and I held my belly and breathed in and out. He came to hold me and he walked me to the living room. "I think the baby's coming." His eyes widened as he sat next to me.

"Are you sure." I nodded my head. "These aren't braxton hicks, these ones are more intense." Another contraction followed and I grabbed onto the cushion of the couch.

I was breathing heavily and trying my best to stay calm so that Alex wouldn't panic. "What do you need me to do." He was determined and concerned. He wanted to take care of me and as my husband that was his job.

"Call your mom and my sisters, and then-" I paused and looked down between my legs. "Then what?" He looked at me waiting for me to finish. "Alex, my water just broke." His eyes went between my legs and I could see he was trying to hide his nerves.

I felt another contraction and this one was worse than the last one. I cried out holding my belly and Alex just held me. "Okay we need to get you to the hospital right now."

He picked me up gently and we made our way to the car. "What about the bag." I breathed in and out trying to relax me and the baby. "It's already in the car. I've been preparing ever since her due date has been closing in."

He opened the car door for me and I got in. He closed the door and ran to the other side. He got in and drove off in a hurry but he tried not to speed. "Just keep breathing baby, we're almost there."

When we arrived at the hospital Alex walked me through and asked for some doctors. He had the best doctors and nurses take care of me while he signed the paper work before I went to the delivery room.

I was sat on the bed with my legs spread and Alex's hand in mine. "Okay ma'am I'm gonna need you to push okay." Alex obviously had a woman work with me because he didn't like the idea of another man between my legs.

I did as I was asked and started pushing as hard as I possibly could. I squeezed Alex's hand letting out a loud scream.

I pushed and pushed for about 6 hours straight before we finally heard her first cry. I laid back and caught my breath as Alex wiped the sweat from my forehead.

A few moments later I watched the doctors put her in his arms and he looked down at our baby with so much pride and joy. He then gave her to me and the tears of joy streamed down my sweaty face.

She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. "She looks just like her mom," we heard the doctor say. "What's her name." Alex and I had discussed names a few times and we both agreed to name her after my mother. "Amara Iris Blain."

We decided to name her after my mother because it was a way of me honouring my mother and for Alex it was for appreciation. Alex said that it was his way of thanking my mother for raising a beautiful daughter. Isn't he just the sweetest.

My parents would have loved the man that Alex had become. When we were younger my mom knew exactly how I felt about Alex and she had hoped that I would get what I wanted. My dad didn't really like anything that had to do with a boy at the time but he would have loved the man Alex had become today. The father of my child and the love of my life, that is who Alex is now.

After they took Amara to the NICU, I had fallen asleep and woken up to my sisters and Morgan sitting in the room. They all wanted to meet the baby and I wanted them there with me.

"Alex was panicking at first on the inside but most of the time he was so helpful and he was very good support." The ladies giggled and laughed as I told them about the experience.

"We named her after mom." My attention was at my sisters. "Amara Iris Blain." I could feel the joy radiating off of them when I said her name. I knew how much it would mean to them because it meant just as much to me.

Alex walked in holding her and my face lit up. The girls turned to see her and their faces lit up as well. They walked to her and admired the beautiful girl.

Alex looked so proud holding her. I know that he is going to be an amazing dad and he's always telling me that I'm going to be an amazing mom. Our journey as parents has just started and I'm not nervous at all because I have the best husband in the world and Amara is going to have the best life we can give her.

Alex brought her to me and I caressed her small cheek and I kissed her forehead. My beautiful Amara. Your grandparents would be so proud.

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