An Apple a Day

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You and Chishiya have shared an apartment for a little over a month now, the unit itself cosy and convenient for the both of you to commute to your respective destinations. The two of you have fallen into a comfortable routine since, alternating between household chores each week for fairness' sake. 

These chores, aside from the actual purchasing of groceries, include the task of either you or Chishiya writing up a grocery list of the items your pantry is missing - and this week, the task has fallen upon you. 

The two of you now stand by the grocery store's fruit stall, while Chishiya glances over your shoulder to see the notepaper you had scribbled a list out onto the night before. You hear the teasing hum reverberate in his throat before he speaks. 

"I see we need apples." 

"Shut up," you grumble. When Chishiya begins to laugh, you jab his shoulder in protest. "At least apples are good for you. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, you know."

"Oh, so you want me to stay away?" Chishiya smirks, easing the grocery list out of your hands. He scans over the rest of the items scribbled onto the notepaper, his smirk growing wider as he reads the word 'apples' written three times over at various stages of the grocery list. To be honest, you can barely recall writing the thing - you had been dozing off writing your final papers, and in a state of lucidity had recalled your empty fridge. 

And apparently, your lack of apples. 

Chishiya shrugs and begins to place a week's worth of apples into your cart, chuckling when you lightly shove him and tell him that he couldn't possibly stay away for that many apples-worth. You sigh and begin returning the fruit to the stand; your blonde 'doctor' simply tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, reminding you to sleep earlier tonight as he reaches for a pear. You can't help but smile at the indifference in his tone, for the way his touch lingers against the side of your cheek tells you just the opposite. It doesn't bother you that Chishiya's affection for you is quiet - you had come to find comfort in the small pieces of his heart, hidden between warm gazes and the gentle reminders to take care of yourself.

He starts to help you put the apples back, taking the fruit cupped in your hands from you and placing it carefully on top of the apple pile. As he does this he muses that yes, he wouldn't be able to stay away that long; no doubt you would eventually appear in his hospital, wasting away from sleep deprivation and malnutrition, and quite frankly he didn't need another patient on his hands.   

"I take back what I said earlier. Stay away as long as you'd like," you declare, and he snorts when you begin to scoop the apples back into your cart.

˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Chishiya is there when you are up late again, squinting at your computer screen as your curtains begin to soak up moonlight. 

"It's late," he says. He leans around the doorway to your room, one hand on the doorframe. He looks tired, clearly weary from his shift at the hospital. You feel a stab of guilt for making him have to remind you to sleep instead of resting himself, and resolve to make it up to him somehow tomorrow. 

"I'll finish up in an hour or so," you promise. He eyes you skeptically. He knows this is a lie - you will most likely be up until the sun rises. Many a time you have found blankets draped over your shoulders, your computer shut with a note reminding you to eat a proper breakfast pasted over it. Chishiya pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about when asked about it, but you know for sure that the notepaper is from the campus notebook he keeps on the coffee table.

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