Spring is the Season of Kindness

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The first game you'd played with Chishiya was the first game you'd played at the Beach, a Three of Diamonds. 

You'd approached your group's designated car, catching sight of the executive for the first time. Back then, you had known nothing of the blonde; you had smiled at him hesitantly, hoping to make an acquaintance, or maybe just someone you could talk to. Only, he had simply smirked in response, quirking a brow as if to ask why you were wasting his time. 

Never mind, then

His brown eyes, then and now, were cold and dark and honey-like. The fleeting thought had crossed your mind that his eyes looked not nearly as sweet as their colour would suggest.

One person was killed in that Three of Diamonds game. You'd squeezed the hand of the girl beside you consolingly, the stricken expression on her features one you had once worn yourself. Catching a glimpse of Chishiya, however, you found that he looked bored - his eyes were full of something like expectancy as they rested on the crumpled body on the floor; you had searched for the slightest flicker of emotion, for the honey you thought you'd seen in his gaze before, but came up empty. Was it really possible for someone to be so apathetic? It was so strange to you, especially with the poor girl weeping beside you. It could've just as easily been you, clutched at by sorrow, so why not extend some warmth in a place that needed it as much as here? 

The second game you'd played with Chishiya was a Seven of Clubs. By then it seemed that the two of you had an odd knack for being placed in the same team. His eyes had flickered to you in recognition when you'd met the group of Beach members at the car, so you'd tried for another smile.

"Chishiya, right?" you'd said politely. "I think we were together last time as well."

The blonde had looked at back you lazily, his eyes half-lidded. "Were we?" He'd shrugged, although the amusement in his voice suggested that his question was more of a taunt. "I don't recall."

Though nothing about his tone had been apologetic, you'd dipped your head in response. "Ah, don't worry about it, then." You'd supplied, effectively ending the conversation. 

Luckily, another member of your group had stepped in to speak to you. She was sweet, and had an earnest look about her - you were grateful for the friendly face, and chatted to her during the car ride. You'd thought back briefly to your conversation with Chishiya, and decided that his answer was fair enough - you can understand how some people might not want to get acquainted with others in such a place as the Borderlands. The coldness in his eyes made it clear that he was one of those people, anyhow.

The Clubs game, despite its high number, was technically simpler than the Diamonds game you'd played with Chishiya. Even so the blonde had been calm and sharp, his interest in the game more prevalent than his interest in anyone around him. Three people died, one from the Beach and two of the other players. You'd carefully taken the hand of the woman who you'd become friends with; she seemed to have been close to the Beach member who'd died, or known him at the very least. You'd whispered words you hoped were of comfort to her as her shoulders shook with distress. Blood had formed petals on the floor, a carpet of little crimson flowers that bloomed around you. 

But out of the corner of your eye, for just a fraction of a second, you thought you'd seen Chishiya watching you, before he'd silently collected the Seven of Clubs card and left the building. You couldn't tell if the look upon his features was one of disdain, or perhaps something different. 

The sky was dark when you'd finally persuaded your friend to leave with you, the moonlight bitter cold. You had ended up sat next to the blonde on the car ride back to the Beach. He'd remained silent, the cords of his earphones visible beneath his white hoodie. 

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