Chapter 8

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We had exchanged numbers although I still didn't understand what he was planning to do. Or how this was even going to work. Was this going to be like one of those movies with montages where the teen transformed into someone gorgeous?

Okay, so maybe not exactly that since this was real life. But a girl could dream. A day later and still, no word from Caden. I bit at the skin around my nails, spitting it out and flinching when I drew blood. I was too nervous for my own good. Why did this even matter? I wasn't even interested.

Even when I'd gone over for Chunk, he hadn't said a word to me. Chunk, Turd, Milo and two other dogs I had somehow managed to get, sniffed around the large, green dog park. There were lots of other people there, too, and as I sat watching the dogs playing around and chasing each other, my mind was on something else entirely.

It wasn't until it was the time of the day to hand the dogs back to their owners that my hands began to shake.

Paris was the one that answered the door to grab Milo and Turd. She leaned in, raising her eyebrows."So? How're things?"

"I don't know what things are supposed to happen," I said, before heading over to Caden. A part of me wanted to ask him what the plan was without seeming too desperate. He let Chunk go inside and gave me my money.

"I spoke to Jordan," he stopped me, leaning against the door frame. I blinked, eagerly waiting for him to say more. Wait, why did he speak to Jordan? Isn't Caden the king of change? He didn't need to ask for help, did he? "He likes girls who're a little rebellious and hot at the same time."

"What?!" I screeched. "Why did you ask him that?"

"You said you wanted me to help you change."

"Not my sense of style or fashion! Just—"

"Your personality."

I stomped my foot in frustration and a flicker of cruel delight passed his face. "I meant, to change my awkwardness into confidence."

"And how do you think we can do that?"

Well...that was a good question. How did we do that? " pretending like I'm confident?"

Caden's face grew stiff. "It also starts with a sense of style." He jerked his chin down at my denim overalls with a white boho sweater. "You might as well give up now. This whole thing's gonna disappoint you."

I tugged at my sleeve. His words ran around in my head, like a seed of doubt had been planted in my brain. I shook my head. No. I was going to do it. "I shouldn't have to run away," I said. "Sure, I may not be hot but I could always try. Please, can you help me?"

Caden studied me for a long, long while. So long that I was sure I had become a statue in front of him. "Do you like what you wear?" he finally asked.

"Of course I do," I said.

"Then why're you slouching?"

"I have bad posture!"

He lifted his chin in the direction of my wrung hands. "Stop fidgeting."

"I can't help it." I stared at the ground, wanting to run away from his judgemental study of me.

"Look me in the eye."

I scratched the back of my neck, giggling nervously to myself like a little girl. "I can't," I mumbled.

"Why not?" His face was vacant, and I found myself flushing under his sharp gaze. I couldn't hold deep eye contact with him. It had been a while since I'd done that with anyone that wasn't my family. Honestly, I didn't even remember doing that. Sai didn't really count. She was practically my sister.

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