Chapter 52

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"What's happening?" whispered Paris, glancing around.

"This isn't part of the show, is it?" Jordan peered at us and I shook my head.

"I don't...think so." My stomach dropped as a menacing sneer framed her lips. Something told me this wasn't going to end well. She unzipped her jacket and brought out something familiar. My legs nearly gave way as I stared at the one thing that held every single detail of my life in it.

My diary.

Leo put her up to this, I thought, trying not to give into the panic that strangled me into practically wheezing. I tried to look around for him, jerkily but there were too many people. Too many.

Paris clasped my hand and peered into my eyes. "What's wrong, Shyla?"

"That's my diary," I choked out.

"Your what?!"

"So, I've got a little secret to share." The commotion settled as she spoke, her voice bellowing through the speakers. Everyone was stunned into silence. Caden eyed the diary before stepping up to her; I knew he'd recognised it. I'd written in the thing whenever we were alone. He'd seen it.

"We're in the middle of a show," he said, voice from the mic carrying over to us.

"Well, I think everyone deserves to know that the girl you're always hanging out with is a slut. First, her friend's brother. Then Leo. And now you. When you already have me."

My jaw would have unhinged if given the chance. Caden went to say something but she cut him to it.

"Why does it hurt to be in love with someone?" She read out the entry from the other day.

Embarrassment and hot-white anger slammed through me, making me want to run up there and shove her off the stage. In reality, I was rooted to the spot. Paris' hand tightened around me, letting me know she was with me. I didn't want anyone there, listening to my private thoughts.

I watched as Caden frowned and she continued, "Am I that unloveable that the guy that I like won't even look at me? Am I only good enough to be a plaything?"

"What the fuck is going on?" I heard a guy from behind say.

"Dunno. Some sort of girl drama."

"Let's get outta here. I signed up for proper entertainment, not a catfight."

I was glad some people still had the sense to leave. Others delighted in hearing gossip, even in the middle of a show. This was hurting their reputation. I could only imagine what this kind of thing could do to a band.

"See what I mean?" Trixie didn't read out the most important part of that entry. The part that said I loved Caden. Why was she doing this? Did she really think I was stealing Caden from her? I knew it, I told myself. I knew Caden was with Trixie, and yet he...and I...I let him do it. I let him play me.

I wondered why Trixie wasn't saying anything else damning, then looked up to see Caden snatching the diary off of her and pushing her aside to take ahold of the mic.

"Since we've gotten this far," he said, blankly, his voice echoing in the silent night, "I have a little confession of my own to make." He lifted the diary in the air briefly. "This diary belongs to the woman I love and is stolen private property."

Did he just say...Paris nudged my shoulder subtly, a low squeal escaping from her. Trixie stood stock still as if she had just been threatened to be shot in the head. "Regardless of who she's loved and still loves, I respect her. Most of all, she's entitled to her privacy. I'd like to apologise on behalf of my bandmate for what she's done and for ruining everyone's night. This was a fucked up thing to do."

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