Chapter two

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Blossembreeze's P.O.V.

I watched the kits playing, I was so proud. They would make fine warriors. 'They get along so well,' Lightningsplash noted fondly, I nodded my head in agreement, they did. I was lost in thought about how lucky the clan was to have so many kits, when I felt Lightningsplash tense up beside me. 'Blossembreeze, quickly, get all the kits inside', she said harshly, 'NOW!'. I had just registered what she said when I notice a shape diving out of the sky, I bolted for it, grabbing all the kits and throwing them into the nursery. I looked inside and checked that they were all there, Whitekit, Dapplekit, Flowerkit, Wildkit, Spottedkit, Ashkit, Sandkit, Gorsekit, Clawkit, wait... where was Raggedkit?. I looked out and saw him standing, petrified, right in the line of the hawk, then, as I was about to go for the hawk, I saw Petalfrost, out of the corner of my eye. She lunged straight for Raggedkit, fury blazing in her eyes. She knocked Raggedkit towards Lightningsplash, who dragged him into the nursery. I turned to check on the kits, when I heard a screech coming from Badgerclaw, and saw him holding onto Petalfrost, I immediately went to help Badgerfang, as Petalfrost was my sister. Then the hawk clawed at Badgerfang. I was to late. The hawk was gone, and so was my sister. Petalfrost was taken. I saw Greytail, Badgerfang and Thrushpelt race after the hawk, but I knew that even if they got her back, she would be dead. Gone. I would never see her again.

No one's P.O.V.
Blossembreeze began to weep. As she wept, two small kits came crawling out of the nursery. 'Blossembreeze, where did Poppyfrost go?' Mewed Clawkit, ' Did she run away?', 'does she not like us anymore?' Asked Raggedkit.

Blossembreezes P.O.V.
I didn't know what to say, how do you tell a two moon kit that a hawk took their mother. ' kits, come here to me, ' I began. ' Poppyfrost loves you very much, and always will. But today she left Fernclan to be with starclan. ' mean she's, dead?' Mewed The two kits, 'yes kits, you will never again smell her scent, feel her fur, you won't even talk to or see her. She's gone kits, and she can't come back.' With that, the kits ran off into the nursery, wailing their tiny little hearts out. I saw the other kits begin to cry as well, because Poppyfrost was loved by the kits. With a heavy heart, I went in to try and comfort Clawkit and Raggedkit. It would take a while. I slipped into the nursery, and saw the two of them nuzzled into the nest that was Petalfrosts. 'Kits?' I said gently, 'kits, it's all right, I'm going to be looking after you from now on, you can have my milk as well,'. Raggedkit and Clawkit turned around, ' We don't want you, or your stupid milk, we want Petalfrost!' They yowled at me, and they ran off towards the entrance to the camp. I was about to go after them, when Badgerfang, Greytail, and Thrushpelt came dejectedly through the camp entrance, crashing into them. Come here Clawkit, Raggedkit, and I'll take you for a walk, Badgerfang said in a weary and heartbroken voice.

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