✨Drawings✨ [Imayoshi Shoichi x Reader]❤

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You walk out from the art shop, buying a new pencils, brushes, paints and sketch pads. You're currently working on your work out. Sketching got you interested again, you don't know why but meh, you just brushed it off and continue walking and find some place to do your work. You thought of going to a park, trying the nice nature around it. After minutes passes, you sit down on a bench, you get your sketch pad and pencil in your bag, as you plugged in your earphones to your ears, listening to your favorite musics while you're working on, helps you alot in thinking of an inspiration.

You hummed while sketching the reddish sky with the sun setting down on the horizon. You look down sketching some details then look up to see a man standing in your sight, he's covering the perfect view.

'wait if I try to adjust him a little bit further away from me it'll be a masterpiece.' you thought so you plugged out the earphones and clearing your throat. "excuse me, can you please---" the man turned around and you saw clearly his face. "Imayoshi?" You called out, wondering why the hell he's here.

"Oh, (f/n)-chan good to see you here, oh is that's a sketch pad?" he said as he darted his sight on your sketch pad on your lap.

"oh yeah.." you clutched tightly your sketch pad.

"You know I'm also good in sketching, would you mind to let me look at your drawings?" he said, it's a bit lie in here, he's actually not good in drawing. With his stupid grin plastered on his face you can't just no to him, so you give him your sketch pad.

"I seriously doubt it" you mumble

"what is it (f/n)-chan?" he said.

"Oh, nothing" you smile "I only started now as you can see it's still unfinished. " you said, trying to hide your now red cheeks.

"Oh is that so, well this like a masterpiece, (f/n)-chan you should do some more." he said.

"I-I, yeah s-sure." you really can't take praise, compliments from this man, well first you don't know how to react and second you don't know if it's true, with his face you can't really tell. 'damn it.' you thought.

"well, (f/n)-chan can I do sketching, with you?" he asked.

"yeah sure why not, tomorrow is it?" you said, smiling widely, just like his.

"okay then." he agreed.

"Oh I need to go now, Bye Imayoshi-kun." you said and run, forgetting your small note pad and the things you bought on the bench.

"bye (f/n)-chan, see you tomorrow " his grin never leave his face, as he mumbles it. He saw the pad and get it, he opens it, to check what's inside, widen a little of his eyes and chuckled, to see sketches of the basketball players, playing then he scanned the pages to see the half of it is folded, so he opens it to see him in different forms of position in holding the ball, some of it, without his jersey shirt on his and some of it you don't need to know, His grin grew wider as how perfect was all the drawings of him you've drawn. 'I should return this tomorrow. ' he thought while holding the pad so dearly and get your things.

Meanwhile at your house, you throw your bag across your room as you plunged in your bed. A groan escape from your lips "why did he showed up" you mumble and sighed, you sit up and get your bag to get your note pad, to see it's missing "oh man, my deepest secret, screw you, imagination, screw you Imayoshi." you said, as you know you forgot it on the bench with the other things.

⭐Time Skips⭐

You sneak quietly, peeking through the small hole on the door of the gym. 'damn where is he?' you thought.

"(f/n)-chan?" you flinched and back away from the door. To see Sakurai standing with his apologetic expression.

"Oh Sakurai-kun, you startled me." you said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he apologize.

"hey not so loud " you said you heard voices inside.

"hey is that Sakurai?" Wakamatsu said in a loud voice.

You panicked and clamped his mouth and dragged him at the back of the gym. You heard the door slides "huh, but I thought I heard his voice." Wakamatsu said.

"well he probably left forgetting something" you heard Imayoshi said as they close again the door.

"Mmnph" Sakurai squirmed as you look at him.

"oh right sorry." you take away your hand from his mouth. "Sakurai do me a favor, please." you plead.

"I-I, s-sure (f/n)-chan." he said, nervously.

"okay I want you to get this pad from Imayoshi" you said as you show him the picture. "I'll wait here".

"b-but (f/n)-chan I--" you push him out and giving him two thumbs up and he sighed.

"good luck." you said to him and slide down, the wall supporting your back as you sit down. You get a stick and began to doodle something on the ground.

It's already in the afternoon and Sakurai still inside "damn his taking his time." you mumble and a shadow hovering your own, you turn around, thought it might be Sakurai but no, seeing the man you've been waiting for is behind of his captain. He gives you apologetic smile.

"oh Hi Imayoshi-kun, I see you found my hiding spot." you alibi and stood up, brushing off of the dust on your skirt. You look at Sakurai behind and smile and mouthed him thank you, he thought it was scary.

Sakurai said sorry a hundredth time as he bowed down hard, that he knocked down Imayoshi at the back and Imayoshi lost balance and landed on me. Sakurai, being him, he apologize again and ran to get help. You wanted him to stop but right now it was not your problem.

You groan and blushed harder, redder than the dark red, the blood, just everything red. You can't take your eyes away from how close his face to yours. He grinned wider, you hitched and squirmed under him and he smirk "(f/n)-chan, you don't need to squirm like that." he said as he show your note pad and show you the part, where you're under him, him caging you between his arms and legs. why do you even drawn things like that, damn it imagination.

Now it's more embarrassing, the position you are in right now "I-Imayoshi, g-get o-off m-me, y-you b-baka!" you said, really nervous, shuttering alot.

"heh, but your face says the opposite" he said still in the awkward position. 'why the hell he's grinning all the time.' you thought.

You grew tired of this and you just lean up and kiss him as he widen his eyes at your bold action, but he returns it. "damn you, Imayoshi" you said as you pulled away and you snatch quickly the note pad from his hand. "heh." you said, since you get it already, you sit up quickly and forgetting his still on top of you, and you hit his forehead, very hard with yours.

"(f/n)-chan what the heck?" he said in pain, holding his forehead.

"hah, serves you right." you said as you also do the same, rubbing it to sooth it down. "oh glob is your head a rock or something, so hard." you added.

"here" he removed your hands, pulled you to him and replaced it with his lips, "okay now?" he asked.

"much better." you said as you did the same to his.

"(f/n)-chan, you better teach me how to make the drawings real." he said and you giggle, he show you all the drawings of yours, as the same thing you did earlier.

"Imayoshi, it's just an own made manga, I made it my self, it's just my imagination. " you said.

"so you always think of me doing such things." you blushed on his words and punched him lightly as he grinned at your reaction.

"shut up, you creepy megane baka, I'm just bored." you said as you rest your head on his shoulder as you remember you still at the back of the gym, but who cares, for now it's enjoyable and the both of you ended up sketching at the back of the gym. Who knew that, this place has a perfect view to sketch.

a/n: what a mess up story... I'm so sorry I'm so sorry.... I really don't know what I'm writing, my imagination is mess up and I got no inspiration... I dunnu.... I'm so sorry. meh! I'm all acting like Sakurai... ;P teehee..

well next is Miyaji Kiyoshi....

See ya nxt week.✌✌✌

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