✨Distractions✨ [Tsundere!Takao Kazunari x Reader]❤

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"Kazu-kun please! please! please, pretty please!" You plead a hundredth time, showing your best puppy eyes, that he can't refuse to it.

"Fine! I'll do it, it's not because you're my girlfriend and you plead." Takao said and you giggle over his tsundere.

"Thanks, you're the best tsundere boyfriend I ever had." You said happily as you hugged him tightly.

He blush quickly and try to hid it. "I'm not a tsundere, Shin-chan is the one." He deny it.

You laugh at him "yeah, you both have it and it's really contagious." You said as you try to surpass your laughter. "I think I need to back off I might get sick on being a tsundere." You said.

"No I'm not a tsundere!" He denied it again and you laugh hard this time.

"Y-yes, you're tsundere, who likes to deny everything." I reason out trying to calm down your nerves on laughing.

"Are you done laughing?" He glared and you just nodded and snickered. "Good let's go, before I change my mind." He said.

You take his hand and kiss his cheeks earning a blush on his cheeks. "What are you doing?" He said embarrassed "it's not like I care or something." He added and you giggle.

"Come on now, we need to study for up coming exams and we know that I don't want you to take that supplementary lessons." You warn him.

"Tch! I know that, I don't want you to spend time alone." He stated as he mumble shyly the last part but you heard him completely.

"What was that you're saying?" You ask, pretending not to hear.

"N-nothing I said I know that." He stuttered.

"I heard that, the last part idiot." You said and he blush and mumble it again. "I can't hear you." You tease him.

"I said I don't want you to be alone." He mumble and you just went near him and hug him.

"Ah I heard you loud and clear, I'm just messing with you." You tease him and chuckle.

"Tch! I change my mind, I won't study with you." He said seriously and walk ahead.

"W-what? Come on, Kazu-kun! You know I'm kidding." You said and he still not listening. "Fine! If you won't then I'll go with Shin-chan. We'll both study for the whole night!" You said and turn around to take the other route, knowing he won't let you.

"W-wait!" He said and you smirk and turn around, changing your expression.

"What is it?" You ask and he pull you with him towards his house. "W-what the? I thought you change your mind?" You ask when he let you seat on his bed, knowing that your plan works.

"It's not I'm jealous, but I change my mind again." He said with embarrassment. "And it's not like I want you to be angry or something." He added.

"Oh, you're so cute." You kiss his cheeks and went to start studying as he went down to get something to eat while studying.


After hours of studying, you began to feel bored from it, so you think another way to entertain yourself with something. While tapping your pencil, doing tricks with it and tapping again. You heard your boyfriend groan and you look at him, as you see his annoyed face.

You laugh quietly and continue on your distractions. You keep low your laughs while distracting him with your act and whines.

"(f/n)-chan would you please stop doing that? You're distracting me." He said and go back to his session.

"Okay." You said happily as you stop it and found a ruler and start making different noise from it. You giggle cause you find it entertaining to distract your boyfriend.

"(f/n)-chan!" You heard him scold you and you laugh it off.

"Sorry, I'm just bored. I'm just enjoying your reactions when I always distracting you and I love it." You said giggling.

"Oh, so you like it..." he said and you nodded, not noticing of his aura. "Well then, if you're bored I'll entertain you..." he said as he attack you, hovering you.

You gulped and laugh nervously. "What are you gonna do?" You ask nervously.

He lean down into your ear. "You'll gonna love it." He whisper as he starts to tickle you.

You laugh hard as you try to catch your breath while he tickles you on your side, you try to stop him but he just tickles you hard.

"O-okay, y-you w-win, s-stop! What was that for?" You said as you try to calm you down.

"For distracting me, so surrender?" He ask and you smirk at him as you escape from him.

"You wish!" You stuck out your tongue and run out of his room and he follows you as he called you. Well since his a basketball player he's much faster than you so he quickly caught you. You groan as the both of you slump down on the couch.

"Now you surrender?" He ask.

"Yeah!" You said as you catch your breath. "I successfully distracted you from studying." You said as he smile but quickly hid it.

"Yeah and it would be your fault if I get low tomorrow." He said and you giggle and kiss the tip of his nose and he quickly blush.

"Don't worry! I'll help you study for sure this time." You said.

"Sure?" He ask. "It's not that I don't trust you, I'd rather be safe." He quickly said it and you laugh at him.

"Don't worry, I won't distract you." You said and the both of you went back to his room.

After hours passed you keep distracting him until he gave up on studying and keep punishing you by tickling you until you went out of breath again and until the both of you get asleep forgetting about the exam tomorrow.


"(F/N)-CHAN!!!" You heard your boyfriend shouts after he sees his results, which with the looks on his face it's pretty bad.

"Yes dear?" You act innocently, trying to forget the punishment he did to you. You become pale on thinking of it again.

"You should really prepare for later." He said as he get your results to see it's higher than his and he groans inwardly, why you did have a good results than him.

"Sure." You answer back nervously and gulped as you prepared yourself to go home alone, escaping the wrath you'll be receiving if you'll walk with him for now.

You went home safety alone and you sigh in relief and went to your room, suddenly you felt another presence at your back and you gulped nervously, when you turn around to see who is it, an arms  on your waist, hugging you from behind, making you jump and startled you.

"I hope you're ready for your present.~" Takao said as he started to give you your "presents" for the whole night.

(A/n): whoa! Whoa! Well this is a Tsundere! Takao x Reader! It's kinda twisted with Shin-chan's and Takao's attitude. I tried to make him tsundere and it's kinda hard. But hope you love him still.

I know it take for too long... but thank you.

This is requested and I'm so sorry if I didn't mention who requested this I'm still finding the one who requested it, so don't worry I'll still mention it.
Of course even thou I updated this late, I still don't forget your request.
Hope you like it..
Well then!

See You Next Week!!✌✌

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