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T.W. Past character death.  Mentions loss of a twin sister, in the past. Mentions road accidents.

1 September, Seoul, Jeon Joana’s apartment.

“You didn’t need to bother hyung, I would have done it on my own. and besides, Sir Minhyuk is here. He would have helped.” Kook Spoke in a groggy voice.

“It’s no big deal Kook, Jimin-ah himself wanted to be here while you do it, but he had to leave for Busan. Appa was not doing well. But even then, He cannot bear to leave you alone today. Especially when you decided to clean up over here.” Yoongi explained.

The prince just nodded and disappeared in the room beside.

Minhyuk, who was entering the condo with some empty boxes in his hand, spoke.

“I don't think it's about cleaning Yoongi-ssi, the staff could have done that. I guess the prince just wanted to be close to his sister's memories today. He didn't allow any other friends of his to enter here, nor any other royal. But I thank the lord he at least let you in."

Yoongi sighed, while carding his finger through his long hair, "I am glad about it too. Jimin-ah really was worried about him being alone here. You know well, Minhyuk-ssi, how it is for him. He might act all careless and chill, but he misses the princess dearly. They are twins after all. Been together ever since the womb. Even when the princess stubbornly moved out, we always found him crashing here, when the world became too much for him to handle."

The knight sighed as well, 

"I know Yoongi-ssi. How he wishes, he wasn't getting drunk in the club the day she told him she was moving to Alaska! He thinks she would have been still alive if he hadn't drunk-called her, and she hadn't had to rush to pick him up."

"But it's not his fault that the media decided, it was a good time to put their noses in their vulnerable times. If they weren't too greedy to get the latest gossip from royals and hadn't tailed Joana, who just wanted to be left alone, the fateful accident wouldn't have happened. Jungkookie shouldn't be held guilty for feeling sad that his solace was going to fly far away from him. Anyway, let’s make sure he gets all the help he needs.” Yoongi said to the knight who was already sorting the mail and documents on the study table in the studio space. 

After a while, Jungkook emerged from the bedroom, with a box full of photo albums, memoirs and souvenirs. His eyes clearly misty, lips parted, cheeks and nose flushed red. Yoongi readily went beside him, helping him to put the box on the coffee table. Jungkook was about to turn towards the room again, when Minhyuk called for Yoongi.

“Yoongi-ssi, can you please check this document over here. It seems like some kind of contract. There is also a letter attached to it, I cannot make sense out of it. It has the princess's name and sign on it, along with some other person’s. And it seems serious. Because there is also this follow-up letter in the mail, requesting for the submission of this document. It’s dated from last month, and as for the contract, it seems to be signed a few days before her demise.”

This prompted the rest of the two to turn towards the Knight. Yoongi almost snatched the document once he read the first few lines of the contract and dropped himself to the nearby couch, clutching the bunch of those papers in his hands. His eyes kept scanning the 3 different documents again and again. And the more he scanned them, the range of the colour shades reflecting on his face kept getting wider.

"It would be better if you guys sit down for this one." Yoongi said with an unreadable tone and expression.


"I didn't expect this from an intelligent and ethical person like her. It's been almost 5 months, she should have returned the document by now. She even confirmed to have signed it. I called the institute in Alaska I had referred her to, they said she didn't even turn up for the interview. This is not what I had expected when I chose her. But now it's too late, Dr Kim said, he had to go ahead with the process as the subject was not ready to wait another month. And I don't want to invest my precious time in finding another physically perfect subject or intellectually blessed donor." The frustrated scientist muttered on the line.

The lawyer on the other line left a chuckle,

"Can you not talk about both of these ladies in scientific terms? It sounds weird. And also, even if she comes back to claim a stake, we can always deny using her donation. I can ask Namjoon to make sure it stays confidential, as she has also signed a dual non-disclosure agreement with his lab."

But the scientist, butted in "Well, about that… Actually, last month I kind of had mailed her out of frustration and told her that we have used some of her donation to go for the next step. I thought it was only ethical to tell her that."

"Tae? Really? I told you not to make any written exchange with her, without my knowledge. Anyway, we will see what we can do. You didn't even let me meet her or told me her name. How can I support you legally, if you are that stubborn all the time?" The lawyer sounded frustrated.

"Hyung, it was her only condition. I needed the donation to be of hers, to make my contribution meaningful. Also she didn't take any money, or anything else  in exchange. So I had to say yes. This was the least I could do to lessen her debt on me. What do you call it in human social terms, a favour?" The scientist asked.

Lawyer produced an unamused laugh at it and said, "What do you even mean? You talk as if you are an alien. 'Human social terms'..." and the lawyer started giggling like it was some 'out of the world joke!

"Hyung, I don't have time for this, I just called to update you about the next phase details. Also, if you may, please pay my bills this month. It’s too much of a waste of time. I would have asked Jin hyung to do it, like every time, but I haven't been home for past 15 days, I'll have to listen to his life update for the missed days. and as you know my time on earth is too precious to spend it listening to ‘how he is more handsome than some Seo-Joon or has a better voice than that Hyungsik.” the scientist scoffed.

“Tae, now that’s rude. I would not allow you to insult my fiance like that. He is your brother. He was there when every kid around you used to avoid you, like you were some kind of weird creature who would wipe their brain. It’s because of his relentless advocacy that Dr Kim adopted you. While he knew very well that giving you space in that high achieving household would rob him of many opportunities of having parental affection. He gave you a roof, food to your stomach and brain, he gave you love that you never knew ever existed. In return, if you need to give him some time and attention, I don’t think that’s too much to ask. You being genetically blessed would have done nothing, if my Jinnie wouldn't have fought for your inclusion and development. Right?” The lawyer questioned, sternly.

The other replied, starting with a whisper, “You are right, hyung, I am sorry. But please pay my bills, I don’t want to be scolded for 15 days altogether. Please do this for your brilliant brother-in-law. I promise to attend your wedding and be best man for both of you.”

“And you say, you don’t understand human dynamics. You know very well which buttons to press. Anyway, your bills are already paid. Just bring your obnoxious ass to dinner this Friday, it’s our 8th engagement anniversary. It would make Jin happy if you would be there.” Hoseok said in a gentle tone.

“I don’t understand this hyung, you both are practically living like a married couple, then why not just register?” It was a fair question from the scientist.

Hoseok answered this, ever so gently. Even when he himself was getting dragged into this situation, “Tae, You know Jinnie! He won’t go ahead until he fulfills his promise. He promised your parents not to get married until he finishes his masters course in economics. And you know how it has been for him. So it’s okay for me to wait.”

“It’s been 8 years since he registered for it, I don’t think he is passing it anytime soon, at this rate. Also, why does it even matter? Isn’t he already earning himself a name in the top few asian actors? I don’t think he needs to prove his intelligence to anyone. Not even to dad.” Taehyung stated.

Hoseok on the other side just chuckled, “How great the world would turn if we took our own advice. Anyway, keep me updated on the donor front. I'll see you on Friday?”

“Yes Hyung. And thanks for everything.”

“Your welcome Tae. I love you. Bye”

“Hmm. Likewise. Bye.”

When the call ended, Hoseok just hoped, this mission that the scientist was on, would go well and it would bring out his human side more.

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