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“Why don’t we settle in the living room and talk, it would be better, right hyung?” Hoseok tried to steer the conversation towards clearer waters.

Yoongi, understanding the clue, replied promptly, “Yeah, right. Let’s go in. Shall we, your majesty?”

“No need for honorifics hyungie, we are outside the palace. And nice home, Mr Kim and Mr Jung. Your taste in decor is very refined, I must say. Just like the aura you both fine men give out.” 

The couple blushed at the compliment, while the scientist scowled, Yoongi was shaking his head and Jimin? Well, Jimin on the other hand just muttered, “Smooth fucker!”

All of them settled down in the living area. Jin himself served everyone the lemonade he made, fetching compliments left and right for his looks, house, and the drink. All of them were just trying to make small talk while Taehyung was getting impatient with every passing second. He didn't want to know what kind of products Attn. Min’s husband has endorsed, he didn't care about the funny stories Hoseok and Yoongi kept laughing about. He didn't care if the sweet talker called the prince was trying to impress his hyungs by sliding sugar coated compliments here and there. (Well, he did care about the last part as he was a jelly-bean, but he wouldn’t like to admit that!)

So the nervous wreck kept on nudging Jin by pinching his arms once in a while, but got smashed by the elder everytime. So he just kept fidgeting, which didn’t go unnoticed by the prince. He was endeared by the interaction of these two brothers. It made him miss his own sister. Though they were twins, he knew Joana always behaved like she was the elder one. Though they never bickered like the two siblings he was observing in the past few minutes, he could sense the love behind that. It made a lump form in his throat, but he somehow managed to swallow it down with a gentle smile.

"Hyung, he looks exactly like Dr Jo!" The scientist commented absentmindedly. Meaning to whisper it in Jin's ear but it didn't come off as silently as he planned. 

"Of course I look like her! We are identical twins!" Jungkook commented back which made the scientist get into a fit of ecstatic giggles. Which sounded like melody to the prince, but that's not the point. Everyone looked confused. So the scientist tried to explain,

"Clearly, she had the intelligence and he, the muscles!"

"What do you mean by that?" The prince questioned, frowning.

"What I mean is, you both are not identical twins. If that was the case you both would have been of the same biologically assigned gender. You see, monozygotic or maternal twins are called identical. Because they share the same genetic makeup as they are split from the same zygote or fertilised egg, at an early embryonic stage. Thus they also carry same assigned sex, predetermined by the fusion of parental chromosomes. But you both are clearly dizygotic or fraternal twins, two separate eggs, fertilised by two separate sperms. Making you no-more identical than any siblings born at different points of time, to the same set of parents. And it looks like she had more dominant genes of intelligence and you got, well, the physical aspects of attractiveness. It's common for twins to have 2 different sets of dominantly evolved abilities. So I don't blame you for having an average intelligence. By the way, you could have fooled me for having a below average intelligence by showing an oblivious reaction to basic scientific terms, but your linguistic skills and social tactics say otherwise."

The prince is beyond surprised by a sudden science lesson which kind of sounded like an insult but decides to keep quiet. As a matter of fact, he didn't get half of what the other had said and well, the pretty scientist did in fact call him physically attractive. Which did go unnoticed by some smart people in the room. 

Hoseok, who was observing his would-be brother-in-law spilling unnecessary scientific information, took mercy on the scientist and changed the subject.

"Why don't we start with our lunch? Seokjin especially made his signature dishes. I can dare to claim, if he wasn't an actor, all the chefs in the world would have had their jobs on the line."

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