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not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
"They had to keep calm at all costs"
(of the weather) pleasantly free from wind.
"the night was clear and calm"



(of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered.
"They were utterly confused about what had just happened"



You had now made your way into Mondstadt. The streets were full of people, kids running around, store clerks standing outside in attempt to sell their products, delicious smells filling your nose. The atmosphere was different here in Mondstadt.

'I feel at ease...' you thought, but quickly stopped in your tracks.

'I feel at ease?' You thought once again. You were a machine who was built to act appon orders. How could you possibly feel?

Before you could think any longer about the matter, you quickly got back to the task at hand. You were looking for a man called Robert Vincent, apparently he sold what you needed. You walked down the streets in search for the building with the number written on the paper.

It wasn't long before you reached your destination. You walked in and a bell which was tied to the door rang in the prosses, notifying the store clerk.

"Oh hello there, how may I help you?" A man, presumably Mr.Vincent, questioned at the counter.

His store was filled with many different items such as tools, parts, materials, you name it.

"Hello sir, I am looking for these." You stated while approaching the man and pointing onto what was written on the page.

"Ah! I'll be right back!" He said immediately while heading towards the back.

It wasn't long though before he came back with his hands full. He had a small box of items and carefully placed them onto the counter.

"These must be what you are looking for! That will be 5,500 mora!" He said.

You took some mora out of the bag that was given to you by Dottore, and placed the amount onto the table.

"Have a wonderful day!" Robert said as  you picked up the box on the counter with one hand, due to how the other was carrying your luggage.

"You too."


You were already done with your task at hand. It had already gotten quite late, so it would be a wiser choice to stay the night somewhere. You walked down the streets of Mondstadt, which had cleared up as the sun went down.

"Hello there, would you like a flower crown?" A little girl said, causing you to halt.

You turned to look in her direction and saw that she had many different pots of flowers and herbs surrounding her.

"My apologies young lady, but I was not ordered to purchase any flowers." You stated.

"Jeez you speak so formally, it's a free sample! Now, would you like one? I am quite proud of this one!" She Insisted once again.

'Would you like one?' Replayed in your head.

You stood there, wondering. Would you, should you, know what you want? Since the day you woke up, you were always told orders. To do of what is asked of you. Not once have you thought for yourself. You didnt even know if you were capable of doing so.

Yet you were somehow left feeling emotion? Just like before when you had arrived in Mondstadt. This time though, it was what some would call...


You werent sure of how to answer such a simple question.

"Urgg yknow what, here just take it! I spent quite a long time on it so take care of it!" The petite girl smiled as she walked up to you and placed the flower crown in your box.

"T-thank you." You thanked, snapping out of your thoughts.

You continued walking down the street while carring quite a load. You luggage, a box of heavy items along with a flower crown, but the most heaviest of all were these emotions weighing on your back.

You've never felt anything before, always remaining neutral. You weren't sure of how to deal with anything so... unfamiliar.


"Dottore, how have you been?" The Tsaritsta questioned apon looking down on the doctor with her head high.

"I've been good. Why is it that you wish to see me?" Dottore questioned as he kneeled before of her.

"My, my, straight to the point. Well for starters, I've heard about how a little someone's clones have been causing some... inconveniences. Have you been informed?" She goes on.

Dottore halts for a second to figure out what the lady is speaking about. It couldn't be that one of Dottores clones has... disobeyed his orders, right? Then again it is still him. Possibly a more younger, rebellious segment, and it doesn't seem like something he wouldn't do. Besides, Dottore knows himself better than anyone else.

"No my lady, but I will be sure to deal with it swiftly." Dottore explains.

"Thats music to my ears. Alright then, you are to be excused. I will have my guards walk you out." Was all she said untill signaling her guards to take him away.

'Once my other segment is neutralized, I'll have to do much more work. How wonderful.' Dottore thought sarcastically and frowned while walking down such a grand corridor.



Well.. I have no idea how the Tsaritsta acts, so I just guessed idk

Word count: 900

𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 (𝙳𝙾𝚃𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴𝚡𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now