Y/N's Birthday Special

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It was just an ordinary day outside of Axel. The wind swiftly blew by as a farmer was tending to his field with nothing in mind but peace and quiet, until...


The farmer jumped up and looked in the direction of the explosion. He noticed something in the distance and squinted his eyes seeing a horde of lizzardrunners running toward him. He panicked but spotted someone riding on one of them. That someone was Y/N L/N.

Y/N: Crap crap CRAP! Just die already!

He was throwing out his explosive potions repeatedly, sending tons of them flying. However the one he was riding on tripped on one of the corpses causing Y/N to drop all his potions. They reacted all at once causing a huge explosion, wiping out all the lizzardrunners and this time sending Y/N and the lizard he was riding flying in the air. He used the lizard to break his fall landing straight onto the farmer's field. The farmer was shocked to witness all that and went to check on Y/N who landed on his tomatoes ruining them.

Y/N: Ouch... that was a mess. *sees the farmer* Oh uhh, hello there. Sorry about your crops, hehe...

Farmer: *examines him* Say, haven't we met somewhere?

Y/N: I don't know I meet all kinds of people.

Farmer: Aren't you that young lad who paid for that girl's debt?

Y/N: That- wait, are you that old guy?

Farmer: Well I'll be, it is you. I haven't seen you for quite some time. How have you been uhhh... What was your name again?

Y/N blinked twice at this random reunion.

Y/N's POV,

Oh man where do I even start? It's been awhile hasn't it? You probably know the name by now; Y/N L/N, an ordinary guy who died saving a girl and got sent to a fantasy world along with his buddy Kazuma and the goddess of water Aqua. Our goal was to defeat the Devil King but we came across tons of obstacles along the way. A couple Devil King generals here and there with the most shocking enemy to be freakin Dio himself. In a harsh battle to the literal death I was able to slay Dio but as a result of my foolishness, I ended up getting a lot of people killed on that ship.

I'll never forgive myself for that. My friends and everyone in town understood what happened and forgave me but the kingdom didn't. They think I'm also a threat so I'm being investigated. Thankfully with Sena's help, she's been helping me clear my name by making me partake in all sorts of difficult quests provided by the kingdom. It wasn't so bad, Sena would come by the mansion in the morning to hand me my quest. I'd set off to do it and at the end of the day I would come back as Aqua waited for me to eat dinner with her along with the others. Oh that's right, Aqua, I can't believe I almost forgot to reintroduce her. It's crazy to look back on how we acted towards each other in the beginning. All awkward to each other but overtime we grew closer and developed feelings and now I'm spending my life with this goddess. It's really cute how she would hug me every time I got back.

Aqua: Welcome back Y/N! How was today's quest?

Y/N: A little more than usual today. Sena's really putting me on the frontline with these quests. I forgot how annoying lizardrunners were.

Aqua: Is it too much for you? We can help if you want.

Y/N: Don't worry Aqua, I can do this. Besides having you welcoming me back hits the spot.

Aqua: Oh Y/N.

The next day,

Aqua: Welcome back Y/N. Would you like dinner? A bath? Or maybe, me?

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