Our Adventure Starts Now

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After asking someone where the guild was, they finally arrived. With Aqua still clinging on Y/N, the three went inside. The guild was full of all kinds adventurers. They were at tables drinking and chatting with waitresses serving them food and beer. Kazuma and Y/N were excited while Aqua was a bit hasty. One of the adventurers notice them.

Adventurer: Hey! Never seen you folks around. You got some weird looking clothes, you're not from around here aren't you?

Kazuma: Hehe yeah well we just rolled here into town buddy. Truth is, I heard y'all could use my help in defeating the devil king.

Adventurer: Well if dying is what you want, it's what you'll get. Welcome to the gates of hell. Registration is over there tough guy.


After that guy's odd welcome, we walked towards the registration booth. Aqua was still holding onto me. It's still weird. Aqua and I were surprised how Kazuma was able to handle that guy. If it was me, I probably would've stuttered. I ain't very good at surprise conversations. Kazuma knew that well. When we arrived at the counter, we saw a blonde lady at the counter.

 When we arrived at the counter, we saw a blonde lady at the counter

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Kazuma: Alright she must be in charge. Y/N, go ask her.

Y/N: Why me?

Kazuma: 'Cause you need to work on your people skills. I noticed how you got nervous when that guy talked to us. As long you smile you'll be fine.

Y/N: Oh alright. *looks to Aqua* Aqua could you please let go of me now.

Aqua: Alright fine, but I'll hold on to you later...

Y/N: Okay...

I walked towards the lady.

Y/N: Excuse me miss?

???: Yes?

She turn around. I did my thing and smiled which caused her to blush and stutter.

Y/N: Uhh miss, are you okay?

???: Y-Yes I am. Please, c-call me Luna.

Y/N: Okay then Luna, my friends and I would like to register.

Luna: G-Great, you'll have to p-pay for the registration fee.

Y/N: Uhhhh, registration fee? *turns to Aqua and Kazuma* You guys have any money?

Kazuma: What do you think?

Aqua: No, Kazuma dragged me here unprepared.

Kazuma: Great I chose me a useless goddess.

Y/N: *Looks back to Luna* Could you give us a minute please?

Luna: S-Sure thing, but judging by your tone it seems you don't have any money.

Y/N: *Looks down* Yeah...

Luna: *Walks up closer* Well, how about this? I'll cover for your fee and your friends pay for their fee.

Life with a Useless Goddess (Reader X Aqua)Where stories live. Discover now