4: Sick bug

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Chapter 4 title: Sick bug.

Chapter 4 summary: Oliver and Thea are both sick.

In a cold and crisp November Moira Queen is ordering her stubborn son and independent daughter back into beds, smiling at their protests.

"I'm fine!" Her coughing and shivering son insists. Thea, wearing her cat pjs which she only wears if she's sick, nods along with her brother. Moira sighs. Sometimes I wish they didn't inherit Robert's stubbornness. She thinks. "No." The eldest Queen says sternly. "You're both sick, now back to bed." Both her children sigh but follow her orders. Moira smiles in victory when she hears both their bedroom doors slam, but pout when they groan as the noise hurts their heads.

Oliver shivers underneath his thick comforter that's covering him. He was supposed to be patrolling the city when his mother heard him throwing up in his bathroom on her way to see who had called her with a sick 'Mommy' just before she started throwing up herself.

When he was on the island, he got sick all the time, but he didn't take days off, he pushed through his sickness because on the island, you couldn't afford days off. Every day was a day to see how long you could last, well that and that because he had no one to help him through it, but at home, he has his mother, sister, Tommy, Felicity, Diggle and most of all, he has Laurel to help him through his sickness.

Hearing his sisters knock on his bedroom door brings from memories of the island. "Come in, Thea!" He calls and his door opens slightly and he sees his sister's head poke around the door, a sick yet sleepy smile on her face. "How'd you know it was me?" Thea asks, Oliver chuckles but the chuckle soon turns into a coughing fit. After the coughing fit stops, Oliver gestures for Thea to into his room and she does, scampering into bed with her arms wrapped around to hold him. With his sick, sleeping little sister beside him, Oliver falls into a peaceful sleep, and that's how Moira finds her two children a few hours later.

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