Chapter 6: Just Kiss

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I awoke to the same familiar bang from yesterday outside my window. I must have passed out as soon as I got into bed because I was dressed in the same outfit as yesterday. I take off my bedsheets and walk over to the window, undoing the locks and opening it.

"Bruce! It took way too long wake wait you up. I had to use like," I see him look down at his hand, "5 rocks!" He says this loud and clear. Vance was wearing my old jersey with the slightly faded 'number 3' on it.

"Vance! I told you not to do that!" I yell, trying to hide my smile. I try to chew the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at him. Of course, Vance is the only one who receives clear instructions and completely disregards them.

"Sorry." He mumbles harshly enough for me to hear. "It's okay, just wait down there until I come get you," I turn away from the window and struggle to find an outfit.

As I search for something that won't make me look stupid in front of him, my clothes from my wardrobe fall to the floor in frustration. I unknowingly knock over the mixtape Vance gave me. I grumble under my breath, "Shoot." Last night, I forgot to listen to it. I'm sure I'll do it tonight. I have all the time in the world.

I eventually reach for a dark blue hoodie I bought the last time I went running errands for school clothes. It's a little rigid, but it it seems to be fine. I put on a pair of bleached jeans and limp to my bedroom door, which leads to the stairs. Whenever I walk down the stairs, they creak. "Bruce," I hear as I put on my shoes.

"Mom?" As I put on my shoes, I call out, not paying attention to her behind me. "Hey, sweetie, have you made a move on the girl yet?" I pause, but my gaze remains fixed on my shoes. "No." I say to her. "You should, because she'll get tired of chasing you." She says quietly. That's right. Vance was not pursuing me in any way. As she walks away, I hear her shoes click against the marble floor.

I don't like lying to my mother. Especially since she is supposed to be the only person in this world I trust with everything. I wish I could say I have such faith in her. But I don't. I guess I'm just afraid of what she might say.

I leave the house through the front door. I shivered from the cold air. "Vance!" I signal for him. There was no response. I continue to walk out to the sidewalk. The sturdy trees on my yard leaning over me with shade. As I continue, I become deeply concerned.

"VANC-" "Guess who?" arms unexpectedly wrap around me. Behind me, a voice whispers in my ear. My feet lift slightly off the floor as he pulls me mildly while I struggle. "Vance, Stop!" I laugh whenever he pulls harder on me. Vance eventually lets go, and I turn around to face him, saying, "You scared me." He smiles at me, but his eyes become more sorrowful "Yeah. Maybe I did."


One thing I liked about Vance was that he took me places to do things. That is something you would do for a friend. The absolute bare minimum. But no one ever made me feel more liked by doing ordinary things with me. It's unique itself.

The tall, lanky trees stare down at us while we sit on the same bench we did the day before. There were no happy kids playing sports, no running around with their friends, no old couples watching the sun set, absolutely no one. Well, I guess me and Vance count. That isn't the point. I could only hear the air flow through the trees and back.

I stare at him.

Of course, I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop myself at the moment. His side gazes at me briefly before averting his gaze when it catches mine.
"You know you don't have to make an effort to hang out with me." He chuckles at my statement and smiled lightly, "if I didn't like you, I wouldn't hang out with you right now. I don't fall for pity." As he falls backwards, Vance's voice becomes raspy.

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