months go by

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And he didn't lie, as the months went by he slowly got more comfortable with the idea of having a child, but the thaught of him and his brother kept him awake at night. He also was starting to work more and more after his promotion leaving his future wife alone at home all day long for days at a time.

He didn't particularly enjoy it, but he new with the new baby almost here he would need all the money he could get. Especially if the boy grew like he and doffy did to be abnormally tall.

Everything finally felt real the day he got the call that his child had been born. He rushed down to the hospital as fast as his long legs would carry him, and he just barely made it in time.

The sound of a crying baby filled the room and everything changed. He fell in love with his beautiful baby girl the minute he saw her face.

"She's beautiful..." He gushed with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"She looks just like her father..." (y/n) smiled down at the baby with small blong hairs.

"I'll never let the world touch her." He said coming over and gently touching her head as she slept peacefully in her mother's arms.

"We did it. We are parents." (Y/n) laughed through her tears of joy. She couldn't help the emotions she was feeling.

It took a while for the couple to get used to living with the newborn, but after a while time flew. The days turned into weeks, and thoes weeks turned into months.

Soon enough their little bundle of joy could walk and talk and command people around.

"Come on little lady, it's time for bed." Rosinante tried to get his young daughter into bed.

"No!" The five year old yelled crossing her arms.

"Well, I guess if you wanna be grown we can go get you a job and you van help mama around the house with chores." He sighed with a sarcastic smile.

The little girl gasped quickly rushing g towards her room.

"Now that's what I thaught! Get that tale into bed little lady!" He yelled in a joking manor as he chased after her threatening to tickle her.

"Me and your mother love you more than life it's self you know that?" He told her pulling the covers over her chest.

"There isn't a thing in this world I'd trade you for." He smiled widely with two fingers up in a peace sign.

"Alright little lady, it's time for bed now. I love you." He kissed her head and turned off the lights before leaving the room.

"She's gotten so big in such a short time" (y/n) laughed sadly as she leaned her head on her now husband's stomach.

"You need your rest too." He told her ushering her towards the room they rarely shared.

"I can't sleep unless your with me..." She argued with a yawn. She just missed him dearly every night he was working.

"(Y/n), you know I got that promotion and now I have to work even longer hours..." He huffed pulling her closer. "I couldn't say no." He added.

"But we miss you..." She begged looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Please... just come hold me for one night?" She begged earning a frown.

"I'm sorry lovely..."

When she met him, all they did was spend time together and go on dates. But now, All she wanted was for him to be home for a night and hold her close without the thought of 'will he leave again when the morning comes?' Passing her mind.

Their daughter deserved to have her father around.

The days contued to pass and drag on as the two waited for him to come home to them; but it seemed whenever he did, he was gone again. Being higher in the navy had its perks such as money, but all his wife wanted was him even if we where living in a cardboard box.

Finally, the day she knew she would regret came around. "(Y/n)... I'm going on a mission to take down my brother... I don't know when I'll be home, and I can't contact you. It's a no contact mission. I'm so sorry." He begged for her forgiveness as soon as he watched her heart crack infront of her.

"I won't fight you on this... because I know just how much it means for you to take him down... but can you please at least spend the day with your daughter? His wife asked avoiding his eyes.

"Yes, and then I'll spend the night with you." He stated sadly. "It'll probably be our last night for a few months."

"Maybe it would just be easier if you didn't stay with me for your last night. I don't want to wake up wondering if it was all just a dream." She stated angrily.

She was frustrated, and rightfully so; but that sentence would be the biggest regret of her life and she just didn't know it yet.

"If that is what you want..." He smiled Sadly understanding her anger. But he knew he would be home no matter what for his wife and child.

"I love you." He stated.

She paused for a moment before returning the heartfelt sentence. "I love you too."

And that day he took his little lady anywhere and everywhere she wanted. He didn't care how much it cost, because sengoku would cover it.

"You know I love you right, little lady?" He asked sitting on a bench with a piece of a pretzel.

"Yeah, why? Are you going somewhere dad?" She asked looking up at her father. It broke his heart.

"Well, I'm going on a bit of a mission and I don't know when I'll be home... but hopefully it won't be more than a few months! I promise I'll call you as soon as I can!" He tried to stay cheerful for her.

"I know you will!" She smiled widely. "I love you too!" She cheered happily kicking her feet.


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

Navy Blues [Corazon x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now