All Things must End

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The End, and a note

He carried her on his shoulders all the way to the bandits hideout to introduce her.

"Dadan, this is Belle. You're gonna take care of her from now on." He told her flat out while picking his nose.

"Absolutely not!" She argued almost dropping her cigarette.

"You have really pretty red hair" Belle stated with a smile. "Can I touch it?" She asked.

"Oh well, I do take pride in my hair!" She gushed with red cheeks. "At least this one's nothing like that little brat you brought me!" Her demenor changed instantly. "Can't you take that one back and leave this one?!" She yelled earning a glare from garp.

"Okay! We'll keep em both!" She yelled taking the girl garp held under her arms. "We'll take good care of her! Thanks! Goodbye!" Dadan yelled closing the door in garps face.


Thank you for reading! This is the prequel to a law book in the works! I hope it was semi enjoyable, I know it was very fast passed and could have had more chapters and details, but I still enjoyed writing it!


Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

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