Giant Johnny

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Giant Johnny

Giant. The word is always used to describe the ugly, tall, fairy tale creatures we all despise. Why use such a word to help someone picture a sweet loving animal?

                Jenny first saw Johnny at a cheap auction, for sale for practically nothing. The large, dark brown horse stood in an almost bare stall; the cold hard ground was blanketed by a only thin layer of old, yellow, shavings. The horse itself was a picture of abuse, his ribs and hipbones sticking out under his mangy pelt. He looked like death itself, in both physical appearance and attitude. This horse wore no halter for on one could approach him. If they tried, they would only run from the stall from vicious red bite marks or a hoof- shaped bruise. For all of these reasons, buyers showed no interest in him.

                Jenny, though, peered deep into Johnny’s glazed, tired eyes and saw beyond his condition. Grabbing her newly bought water bucket she fetched the starved horse some cool water. At first Johnny would not come near the girl, but he gazed, tempted, at the bucket. Suddenly, he stumbled over and sucked all of the water right out. This did not surprise Jenny and feeling a strong sense of sympathy for the animal, bought him for only 900 dollars.

                As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Johnny started to show much improvement. He seemed to enjoy the vast fields that held lush, green grass and his large, clean stall. Jenny was delighted to see this, but she itched to be able to ride him.

                Finally, after about three months, she decided she could wait no longer. She took the almost 19 hand horse into the practice ring and tested what he knew. Jenny was amazed to find that the once weary, defensive horse could be so skilled and full of energy. It turned out that he had already been trained in the basics of dressage and jumping. With more work Jenny knew she could turn Johnny into a wonderful show horse. Still, many people doubted her reasons for buying the horse and investing so much time in him.

                Muttered comments such as, “He is not fit to show” or “What a giant!” even “He looks to wild to own and too big to ride. What a waste of money, Jen”, floated around.

                She simply replied,” He has the qualities of a star and is unbelievably sweet.” Though her responses did little to discourage the remarks, none really bothered Jenny, she would prove them wrong.

                One day Jenny packed her tack and supplies into her trailer and drove Johnny to a dressage show. He stuck out like a sore thumb for he was much taller that all of the other horses. Johnny also had far less experience and look unkempt compared to the pampered animals. To add to it, he, in his own way, was grateful to his owner, but still refused anyone, but her to touch him. Johnny had been that was since the auction.

                Two competitors stood in front of Johnny’s stall before the riding began and noted to Jenny on his appearance and wild manner. In return Johnny bit one and snorted angrily at the other, scaring them both away. No others dared come near him afterwards.

                When it was Jenny’s turn to ride her dressage test, she and Johnny entered a fancy ring filled with soft sand. Mummers and pointer fingers were directed at the pair as they rode their course. When exiting, Jenny heard more comments about Johnny’s “abnormal size” and “fierce looks”. These words started to discourage her and she feared they would not even place in the final rankings.

                Soon the awards ceremony started and one by one, names were called and ribbons handed out. Suddenly she heard “Jenny McEwen on Johnny in second place!” Proud and overjoyed Jenny marched up to the announcer with Johnny in hand. Even though she did not win first, second was enough to prove “The Giant‘s worthiness to all of his doubters and Jenny and her star returned to the crowd, welcomed by uproarious applause.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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