chapter 11

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It was 10:22 , and we went and sat on the couch, I will admit I was still kind of freaking out about Jordan seeing Justin and now knowing where we live at. Before we went to bed Justin made sure the house alarm and home security camera's outside was on just in case he did try to break in. We got in bed and Justin wrapped his arms around me and my head was buried in his neck. Soon we fell asleep. 

The next morning I woke up and I was still wrapped in Justin's arms. He was already awake though. He kissed my forehead.

Justin: good morning beautiful 

me: good morning handsome 

Justin: how did you sleep?

me: good

Justin: good, i'm glad

I sat up in bed and so did he. 

Justin: let's go get some Micky D's

me: k

We got up and got dressed. I put on this:  and Justin was wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a grey jacket and black supras. We went outside and got into Justin's car. We got our food then went to the park and ate at a picnic table. My phone buzzed. It was a text from an unknown number. 


???- hey 

me- who is this 

???- I see you 

me- who is this?!?!

???- I don't like the fact that you and that Bieber kid are together......

me: Jordan, leave me alone!

???- I see you, Courtney 

Justin: what's wrong babe?

me: Jordan somehow got my number and is texting me, he says he see's me and he doesn't like the fact that we are together

Justin came and sat on my side of the bench, and wrapped me in his arms.

Justin: don't worry about it , like I said I wont let anything happen to you babe

He lifted my chin up and kissed me. Then he pulled back and stood up. 

Justin: I think we should get going it's getting dark.

I hadn't even realized how long we had been there. It was almost 8 p.m. When pulled into my neighborhood, we saw Jordan's car sitting in our driveway. We pulled into a driveway 4 houses down from mine. Justin called the cops and in seconds they were there. Jordan came out of the house and they arrested him. We went back to the house. 

Jordan: i'll be back for you Courtney!

cop: no he won't we've been looking for him for over a year and he has some serious charges pressed against him he is gonna be in prison for life. 

I felt relief, I was glad he was gonna be in there for life. He deserved it after all he had done to me. Justin and I went into the house everything looked fine. We both changed into our pj's except Justin wasn't wearing a shirt. We went downstairs and sat on the couch and watched Jersey Shore. 

me: I know this is really random, but I'm so glad that I have you Justin

Justin: I'm glad I have you too Courtney, I really do love you babe

me: I love you too Justin Drew Bieber

I fell asleep with my head in his lap a few minutes later.

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