chapter 18

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 The next morning Justin and I woke up at the same time, because of the alarm clock. We were going back to Atlanta this morning, I'm really going to miss Santa Monica though. We got up, got dressed and put all of our stuff back in the car. We were on our way to the airport, Justin had one hand on the steering wheel and the other intertwined with mine. 

Justin: I don't wanna go back, I'll miss it here.

me: I know, I will too. But I do kinda miss Atlanta

Justin: yeah, but I have to start working and being in the studio all the time again

me: it won't be that bad 

Justin: yeah, did you talk to your mom last night?

me: yeah, I forgot to tell you. She has to move to Japan

Justin: Japan, why?

me: I don't know, she said it had something to do with her job

Justin: well...

We arrived at the airport in what seemed minutes. Of course, our biggest most annoying fans were there.....the paparazzi. Can they seriously not ever leave us alone for once? I mean big deal, were getting on a plane, it's not like they are gonna miss anything. We made our way through them, and went to get on our plane. We took our seats. In about 5 hours we would arrive back in Atlanta. 

*In Atlanta* 

We finally arrived, we made our way to Justin's car in the parking lot. Then went home. We pulled into the driveway.

Justin: home sweet home!

me: this is my home babe not yours

Justin: I could just move in since your mom moved

me: oh really?

Justin: that's only if you want me to babe

me: i'm just kidding, you basically already live here. 

Justin: oh, I forgot to tell you, the MTV awards are comming up in like 2 days and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?

me: I would but I don't have anything to wear.

 Justin: I know, that's why I am going to take you dress shopping toomorrow. 

I hugged him as we walked into the house, 

me: thank you! 

We went upstairs, changed and went to bed. 

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