chapter 13

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The next morning, I woke up before Justin. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Last night kept going through my head, how perfect it was, when he gave me that ring and said he promised to love me forever no matter what happened. I knew that I had found the guy I wanted to be with forever, and I loved him too, alot. While I was laying there thinking I got a text from Taylor 

tay: hey girl, just wondering if you wanted to hang out today! Text me when you wake up.....

me: hey, and yeah that'd be great 

tay: good, I feel like going shopping! 

me: yeah, me too well I will meet you at the mall at 12 k?

tay: k, bye!

After I layed there for a few more minutes, Justin woke up. 

me: good morning babe

Justin: good morning sweetie

me: I'm gonna take a shower 

I got up and went and took a shower. I came out of the bathroom and Justin went in and took one.  I went to the closet and put this on :   then  I went downstairs and poured me some cereal. Justin came down the stairs, he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. 

me: do you want some cereal?

Justin: yes please

As I was fixing the cereal for him, I told him that me and Taylor were going shopping today so I wouldn't be home until about 4. He said it was fine cause he was going to the studio anyways. We walked out to our cars, he wrapped me in a hug and kissed me.

Justin: bye babe, I will see you later, and don't forgot to text me later 

me: okay, I love you too babe and I will

I left the house, headed to the mall to meet up with Taylor. I pulled into the parking lot at the mall and found Taylor's car, there was a spot next to her so I pulled in. We both got out of our cars at the same time. We shopped and shopped and shopped forever. It was around 5 now so we headed home. While I was driving I looked over and saw Justin in the other lane, he was laughing and I saw a girl in the passenger seat. She looked familiar, I pulled up closer to him, it was Lacy! He looked out the window and saw me in my car. I gave him a "what the hell" look and drove off. I finally got him, and ran up to my room crying. I got on my laptop, then I heard someone come in, of course it was Justin. I heard him running up the stairs,

Justin: can I come in?

me: sure

He came over and sat on the bed. 

Justin: you look like you've been crying babe

me: I have, and don't call me babe

Justin: I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me Courtney

me: why shouldn't I be?

Justin: she's only a friend

me: yeah, you just hold hands, cause that's what me and Twist do, all the time!

Justin: see 

me: I was just kidding!!!

Justin: can I please explain, without you yelling at me!

me: whatever

Justin: we were at the studio and her car wouldn't start, so I offered to drive her home and we started laughing, I don't even know why though and before I knew it she grabbed my hand, then I saw you and well I came home......... to you.....cause I love you Courtney

me: i'm going to bed, goodnight Justin, you can sleep in the guest bedroom, I just need to be alone

Justin said goodnight, and walked towards my bedroom door, 

Justin: I love you 

me: goodnight Justin

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